Connecticut College reviews

Maybe one thing to consider is that CoCo is one of the schools rocketing into the consciousness of the civilians out there, the non-experts, non-insiders, smart kids and parents of smart kids who will be considering private colleges and LACs in particular. Sorta. As much as any of them are. It’s a good time to get on the ride with CoCo. Wesleyan’s profile and reputation are pretty much baked in. And every time I see Wesleyan pushing that Little 3, I think, “you wish.” It ain’t 1951 anymore.

CoCo is a weird place to be right now, as lots of good stuff is happening and causing some tension with “the way things have always been” or whatever, but if you dig it and it seems like a place you would enjoy being for three years, you’re getting in on something big.

I’d probably go to CoCo over Wesleyan at this point. Middletown is the 12th circle of hell. But either way, you should be fine. But Coco is def not my last choice in the NECSAC.