Connecticut College reviews

Following as well and our daughters sound very similar!


@lassy4 There are a couple of other Conn College threads going on in case you haven’t seen them… Did you have a chance to visit Conn? Such a big decision!

We did the drive through tour, but did not see a soul on campus, so kind of hard to get a vibe. Plans to do an actual tour on April 12th, I hope there are some students that will be out and about.

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@lassy4 The tour should help even though you can’t go inside the buildings. Daughter seemed to like the school after the tour and somehow eyeballed the other kids around and declared she would fit in ok. How she could tell this I have no idea! LOL. It was a fairly nice day and kids were outside, was nice to see.

Hi! Stupid question- did you just bring your negative covid results with you- Or did you email them in ahead of time? Thanks!

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Hi. Not stupid at all. I just printed the results and gave them the print out when we arrived. They did keep it.

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Lassy4, I noticed you are also on the Lafayette thread and that seems to be your daughters top choice. Just curious why? My daughter also got into Lafayette but as of now is leaning towards Conn College. Honestly at this point she is basically saying I might as well throw a dart at a board to choose. Her top choice was Colgate but she got waitlisted. She was down for a bit but finally now is beginning to show an exciting interest in choosing.

Between Conn College, Lafayette and Dickinson. Both Conn College and Dickinson have seemed to shown more interest in trying to get her to choose their school.

Hi - well I think it is a couple of things, namely she got to do an official tour of Lafayette last fall and she loved it, but she is waitlisted, was hoping for an acceptance. She also liked the town of Easton and it is about 45 minutes from our home. Also knows it has top notch academics, she liked she could study a variety of programs, and there were some extracurriculars she was very interested in, and although she is not really into sports I am sure she would have fun at the football games. But overall it was a feeling she had when we toured. We were only able to drive through Conn without a soul in sight, but she is reading about it, trying to find out what there is to do in the area, and we have a tour booked for mid-April so we will see. What about your daughter, would love to know what her thoughts are and your thoughts are. BTW, we are doing an official tour of Dickinson tomorrow.

We toured Conn yesterday, and we were impressed by everything we saw and everyone we met. The campus itself is gorgeous, with its large quad and lovely architecture, walkable without feeling too small. Newer buildings blend beautifully with the original ones, which is not always the case!

The admissions person who greeted us was wonderful. He welcomed my daughter, talked with her about her school and interest (without asking her what they were – he must have read up a bit about those touring!). The tour guide was wonderful and down to earth, really made an effort to tailor the discussion to what the two students on the tour were most interested in. It was fairly overcast, so there weren’t a lot of people walking around, but we did have a couple of students stop us to say hello, talk about how nice their dorms were, that sort of thing. I’d agree with the person who said it’s a Hufflepuff campus!

As far as the area, Conn is gated, on a little hill, directly across the street the Coast Guard Academy, which is also gated. We didn’t ask how often the students from both schools interact. We weren’t sure we were allowed to go around the arboretum, but from the photos, it looks wonderful. They also have a large community garden area just behind one of the buildings. The town of New London has cute shops and restaurants along the waterfront, although it’s not walkable to campus.

I know it’s difficult not to be able to go inside of the buildings on a tour, but the video someone posted above was helpful, and we could see through windows into some buildings, like the student center and library. I’m grateful that Conn is having even outdoor tours, as most of my daughter’s other remaining choices are allowing NO visitors on campus in any capacity, which makes her decision even more difficult!


Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. It’s been most helpful. At first my daughter thought it would be Lafayette because of its academic reputation and the fact that she and my wife quickly walked around campus a couple of years ago after a tour of Lehigh. She didn’t like Lehigh because of the hills and the school was too big for her.

But now she is liking Conn College and Dickinson more and more.

My wife and her are planning to visit all 3 schools to get a better feel.

She is also meeting with her college councilor today about her accepted schools to get her opinion on which might be the best fit for her.

Please let me know how the Dickinson tour goes.



@dbmaine @lassy4 please let me know how the conn tour goes :slight_smile: thank you so much!

@kbm770 So good to read about your tour! Our experience on our tour from last week was very similar, and it’s nice to know others are coming away with a similar feel. I think somewhere I either heard or read there’s little interaction with the Coast Guard Academy.

One issue I am struggling with a bit about Conn is I guess they discontinued their shuttle van into the community and have some sort of arrangement with Lyft and paying for students to have 4 free rides monthly. I’m just not sure how I feel about that from a safety point of view. Maybe it’s just the way it is now using Uber/Lyft companies more and more and I need to get with the times. Just wondering anyone’s thoughts on that. It’s frustrating that there are things to do in the community but nothing is walkable. My guess is that after freshmen year when cars are allowed my daughter is going to want one and then that’s going to be another expense…

I am also thinking that if Covid is still significantly with us next year (I surely hope not!!) that Conn has done an excellent job managing Covid and with their campus being so contained it’s easier to control Covid over a large campus where it’s hard to control who is coming in and out.

Also we have been checking out a lot of the mostly unofficial Youtube videos about Conn. It’s kind of helped to see the inside of dorms and a few buildings. All look really nice with the exception of the dining rooms which to me look a tad dated but maybe I’m wrong.

Looking forward to their virtual accepted student events!

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Hi Folks – Reading your posts brings me back two years ago when my daughter was making her college decision. Like many others who have posted, she also received a merit scholarship at Conn. I thought I would follow up to let you know that my daughter has been so happy at Conn these past two years. She has a strong and caring group of friends, she is engaged academically and she has grown tremendously. Conn has done a fantastic job managing the pandemic while allowing residential learning. The students have been extremely careful and I think this speaks volumes of the character and ethics of Conn students. The college leadership has been very communicative with parents during the pandemic. In short, we couldn’t be happier about our daughter’s experience at Conn, and it’s wonderful to see her thriving. Wishing everyone well!


Just thought I’d come back to report that daughter committed to Skidmore today which has always been her first choice school. In the end we got additional $ which made Skidmore realistic. But I am sure she would have been very happy at Conn College too as it sounds like a wonderful school! Good luck to everyone!!

@curieuse Thank you so much for your help and all the best to your D. Glad she is having such a wonderful experience at Conn!

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I’m a freshman at Conn and although I am remote I already feel like I’m a part of such a welcoming campus, I already made friends who I can facetime for hours, was nominated to be a mentor, a student advisor, and was asked if I wanted to do a summer research with my professor. There are tons of opportunities to do what you love at Conn, and I can truly feel that they are trying to be a more inclusive place. The students are welcoming and there are many interesting discussions in classes so I am always excited to go to class.

I had a few personal problems earlier this year but the Deans was so accommodating and resolved all of it for me (when they didn’t have to). Conn really wants you to succeed.


My daughter is very interested in Connecticut College. Obviously, the biggest concern is cost. What has been everyone’s experience with merit scholarships?

My daughter got 30K for merit and I think that may be as high as they go for merit, not positive. Ultimately she did not go to Conn College but it was high on our list. Yes, very expensive school. Good luck!

Welcome Neenpl! My D21 had a lengthy list of schools she applied to… 17 in total. Conn was in her top three. She was offered generous merit aid (approx. $30k) and was being recruited to run XC.

Our daughter found the school to be very welcoming… whether it was students, coached or administrator… and it felt like family.

Ultimately, our D21 was awarded an NSLI-Y scholarship and accepted into the Duke University and Duke Kunshan University dual degree program in China Global Studies. It was her dream school and that is where she chose to attend. The cost actually works out to be cheaper than Conn… even when we add in international airfare and other costs.

Conn is pricey. But we saw value in the quality of education. The Career Services department is known nationally. And the unique LA approach is one of a kind. She would have been extremely happy being a Camel and felt it was a great fit.

Best of luck in your decision making process.

Does anyone have experience with what the actually cost of Connecticut College is typically after merit aid?