Considering Merrimack?

<p>Anyone on CC taking a look at Merrimack College this year? For those considering Stonehill, Assumption, St Anselm, St Michael's in VT, etc.,it is an obvious addition to your list. It would also be a good safety for those looking at BC, Providence, Villanova, Holy Cross, etc. Merrimack is a Catholic college run by the Augustinian Order (sister school to Villanova); but there are a substantial number of non-Catholic students. </p>

<p>Merrimack, which has approx 1900 FT students, is located in No Andover, MA. That's about half an hour north of Boston, with commuter train service nearby. The college is set up like a small university with some surprising features, including a well-respected business school and a 4-year engineering program. Also it has just completed the transition to a 4x4 curriculum with a normal load being four 4-credit courses per semester like most of the top LACs. Also, the 200+ acre campus, which boasts a new campus center, is quite pretty.</p>

<p>I've been teaching at Merrimack for several years, and I never cease to be amazed at the changes the school has made during this time.</p>

<p>Link: Merrimack</a> College</p>

<p>Yeah I was accepted into Merrimack College. Like in your lists of schools, I also got into St. Michaels College and I am waiting to hear from Stonehill College.</p>

<p>Can I ask what you currently teach at Merrimack College? I am looking to major in Business/Marketing.</p>

<p>Hey BRS!</p>

<p>Congrats on your admits so far.</p>

<p>I’d rather not put any more of my personal info out on CC. But if you have any questions about Merrimack, I’d be glad to try to answer them.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, good luck with the rest of your apps!</p>

<p>Incidentally, the application deadline for regular admission for freshmen at Merrimack is February 1. Transfers seeking fall admission have until July 1.</p>

<p>Dear Cadbury,
My son is considering Merrimack. He plans on studying foreign languages, but does not want to go into teaching. How is the language program viewed at the College? We have visited twice and liked the school very much. He’s also considering some of the other schools you’ve mentioned. It is tough, as they all are very good in their own way.

<p>Hi CCL.</p>

<p>The department has recently been renamed “Department of World Languages & Cultures” to reflect a stronger emphasis on culture and international experiences. Majors and minors are available in French, Romance Languages, and Spanish and minors are available in Italian and Italian Studies. From their web page: “Our offerings include language classes from elementary to advanced, as well as courses in conversation, composition, civilization, literature, culture and film.” If your S is interested in Chinese or Arabic languages, as many students are these days, Merrimack would not be a good option at this time.</p>

<p>Good luck with the college search process!</p>

<p>Thanks Cadbury. My son will be applying. On our last visit he did get to meet the head of the Language Department briefly. She was lovely. The atmosphere at Merrimack is so nice. Everyone is very friendly and the Admissions staff very helpful. Praying for a great fit for my son, as his majors are somewhat unique. I would love it if he was fairly close to home, too. I hear kids at Merrimack often stay on weekends, even if they live close by. I like that. It really demonstrates that they are happy there and have enough to do. Any more tips or info is greatly appreciate it. I have to remember to share this with my son. He is not a cc-er :)</p>

<p>Hi CCL8! Glad to hear that Merrimack’s programs are consistent with your son’s interests. If he does decide to come to Merrimack, you might want to explore some of the neat things in the area. Being from the Cape, I’m sure you’re already familiar with Boston. But also consider a day trip to Newburyport, which is about half an hour west of the college. Great shops and restaurants, and a beautiful boardwalk on the waterfront. Also, just down the road is Plum Island, with it’s spectacular Parker River Wildlife Refuge (only $5 per car). And of course there is the historical park in Lowell, which traces the history of mill life in the Merrimack Valley. A bit further afield are Salem, lovely Cape Ann, and trendy Portsmouth, NH.</p>

<p>Thanks, Cadbury. Sounds great. You were not a salesman in a previous life, were you? :)</p>

<p>Actually, I did briefly sell pots in college. Note: that’s pots - NOT pot. ;-)</p>

<p>No, I’m simply a transplant to the area (since 1980) who really loves it here - most of the year. As I get older, I’m not quite as excited about it in January & February though. lol!</p>

<p>Dear Cadbury,
I laughed out-loud at your post. Thanks for that…this waiting game for college apps is tough, more so on Mom, than on dear son who is pretty laid back. He did get one acceptance letter so far from a safety. He just smiled and said, ‘Well, I’m going to college!’ Cannot wait to hear from Merrimack as he really liked it there [we visited twice already]. Hope the admissions folks are just as excited as the students applying are as well!
Happy New Year~

<p>My son finally got the envelope, the big one :slight_smile: Excited to re-visit Merrimack with my son as he makes his own final decisions!</p>

<p>Congrats to your son, CCL!</p>

<p>Thanks, Cadbury. Praying the financial aid package will also bring smiles to the family. We received partial notification about a merit scholarship, which was great news, so hoping the rest will fall into place. Very much looking forward to Accepted Students Day.</p>

<p>We are applying as a biology major.</p>

<p>Are you a twin?? :)</p>

Would it still be possible for my son to have an overnight visit? Or even stay with a friend who is a current student? I think it would help with his decision process.

<p>Hi CCL8!</p>

<p>I would think that your S could arrange an overnight. It would be great for him to come up on a weekend when some interesting events are scheduled. He might also want to attend a class or two. To get more info about these possibilities, I’d contact the Admission Office: (978) 837-5100 or send them an email at <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>BTW are you folks attending one of the Accepted Students events? There’s one this coming Sunday and another on Sunday, April 11. I might even see you there! :)</p>

<p>Thanks, Cadbury. Yes, we will be attending one of the Accepted Student Days, and are still trying to piece the schedule together, as multiple schools are having their events on the same days. </p>

<p>How will I know you if I see you? I’m sure you won’t be wearing a Cadbury name tag!!!</p>