<p>Are there any similar undergraduate majors at other Ivy League universities? </p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<p>Are there any similar undergraduate majors at other Ivy League universities? </p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<p>None exactly like the CAPS program, but all of them offer at least 4 years of Chinese and all of them offer opportunities for study abroad and internship opportunities in China and D.C.</p>
<p>Not in the Ivy League, but…You also might check out the Chinese Language Flagship programs: <a href=“http://www.thelanguageflagship.org/content/chinese”>http://www.thelanguageflagship.org/content/chinese</a> (also, Ohio State: <a href=“http://chineseflagship.osu.edu/”>http://chineseflagship.osu.edu/</a>). </p>
<p>Also, check out the ICBE track in international business at the University of South Carolina (<a href=“http://www.moore.sc.edu/academicprograms/undergraduate/majorsoffered/internationalbusiness/optionsoverviews/ibcetrackhongkong.aspx”>http://www.moore.sc.edu/academicprograms/undergraduate/majorsoffered/internationalbusiness/optionsoverviews/ibcetrackhongkong.aspx</a>).</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>