if i have a 3.7 unweighted GPA, 33 on ACT and many extracurriculars, what are my chances of cornell?
here are some other facts about me
-half american half asian
-i play the harp
-neither of my parents went to college
-i want to major in communications
So much info missing:
- current year of high school
- state of residence
- finances
- course rigor and results
- name and description of EC’s
- SAT II’s?
- weighted GPA or class rank
- school of Cornell you are applying to
- etc.
You have a chance, as with any good student. Right now, it is about marketing your intellectual flame and personality. The quantity of your extracurriculars really doesn’t matter and, more importantly, how great they are depends on how YOU frame them in your essays.
Sure, you can build a nuclear reactor in your garage. But why? How? What was your inspiration? How did it affect you?
Same questions for why you would drop a rap mixtape. But why? How? What was your inspiration? How did it affect you?
Same questions for why you like sleeping. But why? How? What was your inspiration?How did it affect you?
^They can all be equally impressive if you explain it passionately and truthfully.
To be blunt, take just about all responses about chances with a grain of salt. Nobody here works for admissions. DM if you would like to chat.
I’m not CNN, so I’m not going to say anything unless there’s some more information here