Cornell Class of 2027 Official Thread

I was wondering the same thing ^^

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I’ve seen people say Cornell communicates during April

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The Cornell email for waitlist asks for latest transcripts to submitted by school. Is this the mid-year report that have already been sent? Or do you upload the latest grades from second semester? The school doesn’t send out any grades till the semester is over.

Would you pls advise which college you are wanting?

Sorry there was a typo, pls read as “waiting”

College of Eng

You will need to confirm from Cornell for sure.

But for the time being, I searched this and found the same question/ answer from CC for Cornell Waitlist 2025.

I copied as below FYI.

“ I sent Cornell. an email and they said grade updates should be sent to in case anyone else needs the email”

Pls double confirm this with Cornell.

The mid year report has already been sent. Does Cornell need any updates on senior final semester grades that are not final yet?

Hello, My son received an email asking to select CoE major(s) and explain why he’s interested in those areas. Does everyone on the waitlist receives such form? Any insight into how does the selection of major preferences affect chances of getting off the waitlist? Given half the class enters as undecided, wonder how the selection process uses this information to select candidates…

Not sure but I think that sounds very positive. Fingers crossed!

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Yes, it gives you a selection of majors and write an essay about interests in those areas. It also seems very similar to the why college/major essay for CoE from the original application. How should you differentiate these two?

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has anyone heard from CAS regarding Waitlists or is it too early?

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Hi - congratulations to your daughter! Wondering if you had any luck with Cornell matching your financial offer from Duke? Wondering if you were successful and if we should try…

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Thank you. We did receive the Financial award from Cornell and it was pretty close to what Duke offered us.
But in the end, we committed to Duke :slight_smile: Good luck to you.


Does college of engineering ask all waitlisted students to submit this additional essay or just a select few?

Great thank you for responding! I am going to reach out to Cornell fin aid tomorrow either way. Good luck to your daughter at Duke!

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I believe CAS started pulling kids off the waitlist, according to Reddit…

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Not sure. Have you heard anything?

On Reddit I saw a sophomore transfer offered a spot in CAS as well as a SHA freshman waitlist offered a spot. I have heard/seen nothing else.

I was told my daughter wrote why Cornell essay again as they asked.