College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:
doctork - Information Science
VaishS - Biological Sciences
ngujo96 - Human Biology
InfoSci - Information Science
panicattheapp - Biometry and Statistics
trynamakecollege - Biometry and Statistics
cc2LAuniversity - Statistics
DrRich - Biology and Society
happy6523 - Biological Science
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning:
College of Arts and Sciences:
reachinghigher15 - Economics
mjstewart1224 -
HopefullyIGetIn - Economics
mjr2013 - Biology and Society
YSMartinez - Philosophy
acal7504 - Mathematics
luckybaby - Computer Science
nubes24 - Philosophy
BTAN30 - Economics
va2pittsburgh - Economics
rubberducky123 - Economics
Sunzhaoyu - Asian Studies
ShwiftyPugs - Information Science
dchn (Accepted 4/17)
umbra505 (Accepted 4/17)
maeee09 - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
samantha42 - Archaeology
@skrrrtskrrrrttt I highly doubt it means anything. It seems like a couple people including myself have that but over the past few days we have all seen our transeval pages update into slightly different things. The best thing to do is to wait for the decisions email that will hopefully come within the next two weeks.
But just out of curiosity…does it show you the major you have chosen on the top of the transeval page? Mine doesn’t it just says "Your Major: "
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences:
doctork - Information Science
VaishS - Biological Sciences
ngujo96 - Human Biology
InfoSci - Information Science
panicattheapp - Biometry and Statistics
trynamakecollege - Biometry and Statistics
cc2LAuniversity - Statistics
DrRich - Biology and Society
happy6523 - Biological Science
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning:
College of Arts and Sciences:
reachinghigher15 - Economics
mjstewart1224 -
HopefullyIGetIn - Economics
mjr2013 - Biology and Society
YSMartinez - Philosophy
acal7504 - Mathematics
luckybaby - Computer Science
nubes24 - Philosophy
BTAN30 - Economics
va2pittsburgh - Economics
rubberducky123 - Economics
Sunzhaoyu - Asian Studies
ShwiftyPugs - Information Science
dchn (Accepted 4/17)
umbra505 (Accepted 4/17)
maeee09 - Chemistry and Chemical Biology
samantha42 - Archaeology
HopefulCollege95 - Computer Science
Hey have human ecology applicants found out yet? I am a human ecology applicant and have not heard anything yet… Can someone please add me to the human ecology applicant list thanks
My application hasn’t been sent in for review yet, should I call? All of my materials have been sent in as of last week, not sure if I should be patient and wait or ask
Hello everyone! I am a transfer student to CAS. It seems @luckybaby and @HopefulCollege95- going to major in Computer Science at CAS as well. I thought I would get in by default LOL (with no other students competing)
@jojowetzz well, seeing that they have reviewed thousands of other applications already, I’m starting to think that it might just affect my chances. I love how they just casually loses my things and now I have to request a college report again from the dean and who knows how long that will take.
@ngujo96 relax, they still accepting documents. You might not believe it, but I mailed my high school transcript like 5 days ago and it got checked in today. If it makes it easier for you, you should call to a Cornell college you applied and just ask directly (Don’t call to transfer admissions, because they do not pick up a phone or respond to emails)
@Bloodyhell lol, well I wish the three of us the best of luck, and hopefully we are all accepted for computer science. What are your stats btw if you don’t mind me asking?
@Mastodon97 To my knowledge, some people were able to get their PINs after 12am when decisions came out, but not during the evening yesterday, but since midnight I don’t think that anybody who was not able to get it before got it.
@ILRmaybe Says who? Seemed like most of the people who got PINs had their materials sent to the committee earlier than the people who did not get PINs?