<p>1) Cornell says they want a signed copy of the STUDENT's 2007 federal income tax return, or a non-filing statement. Do we HAVE to send this non-filing statement (some people I know did not send it), and if we do, how would we go about writing this statement(as a letter? Or is there a form?). </p>
<p>2) Although I have worked a little over the summer of 2007, the pay I got was below the maximum pay that would be needed to file a tax return (or something along the lines of this? -- Can someone confirm this for me?)</p>
<p>3) If my parents are both self-employed, but they do not own any share of any business, should they still send in the CSS Business/Farm spplement? Because if we do send it in, everything we fill out would just be $0, 0%, etc. and won't really say anything. </p>
<p>4) I received an email today that applications and financial aid stuff are due Jan. 2nd. But apparently they are due Jan. 1st. I have my CSS profile ready and can get the other stuff finished, but does Cornell want the FAFSA on Jan. 1st, too?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Well, they can’t want the FAFSA, it comes out on the 1st</p>
<p>the non-filing statement is on cornell’s finaid website. Just download, print and mail. Fafsa not due until later.<br>
good luck</p>
<p><a href=“http://finaid.cornell.edu/forms/pdf/NonFileStudent08-09.pdf[/url]”>http://finaid.cornell.edu/forms/pdf/NonFileStudent08-09.pdf</a></p>
<p>The student’s isn’t due until sometime in May:</p>
<p>[Incoming</a> Students](<a href=“http://finaid.cornell.edu/apply/index.cfm]Incoming”>http://finaid.cornell.edu/apply/index.cfm)</p>
<p>Thanks bluebayou. But I asked some of my friends who were accepted ED and they said they didn’t send this. They told me it did not apply to me since I was not required to file a tax return in the first place (the little money I earned did not meet the minimum income that would require me to file a tax return). So therefore, I guess I do not need to submit this form. Can I get a confirmation if this is correct?</p>
<p>Your friends are wrong. While they may have received an estimated finaid package, it will NOT be finalized until all forms are completed. Either they send in their tax return for 2008, or a non-filer designation or form, or they won’t receive a final finaid package. </p>
<p>btw: The Cornell finaid app clearly asks for this form. What part of the instructions are unclear? “Attach signed copies…or a statement that a tax return was not filed.” Regardless of whether it is due now or later (as fantasy suggests), it only costs a postage stamp to mail it today. This is really a no-brainer.</p>
<p><a href=“http://finaid.cornell.edu/forms/pdf/0809FreshmanFinancialAidApp.pdf[/url]”>http://finaid.cornell.edu/forms/pdf/0809FreshmanFinancialAidApp.pdf</a></p>
<p>Yeah, I think they probably are wrong. I’ll mention it to them. (Maybe that’s why some of them haven’t received their estimated financial packages.) Thanks bluebayou, I took your advice and mailed the non-filing statement form yesterday.</p>