Cornell in "The Office"

<p>YouTube</a> - Dwight wants to go to Cornell</p>

<p>Cornell</a> University - Big Red Quarterback Nathan Ford Gets Mention On "The Office"</p>

<p>Everything is pretty accurate except the acappella group names hahh.</p>

<p>I saw that episode this thursday. Hilarious stuff.</p>

<p>That was funny, clever, and Cornell-ful!</p>

<p>"My blood runs big Red!" lol. Bill Nuy the science guy went there, and so did Katarzyna from America's Next Top Model...and now Dwight Shrute! </p>

<p>Hahah I love how Cornellians actually seem to have school NYU, our own students make fun of the lack of sports teams and how our team is named "the violets". Our mascot actually used to be a violet, it's a bobcat now lol.</p>

<p>hahaha a violet. Ya the episode was hilarioouuuus, I was laughing so much.</p>

<p>haha, i lol'd.</p>

<p>if I followed that show I would probably be freaking out.
as it is I still think it's way cool.
I loves a good Cornell mention in the media, lol.</p>

<p>SNL last night mentioned Cornell in a "omfg i want to go there so bad" sort of way.
Go Big Red!</p>

<p>^ohhh, I need to see. what part of the show is it, like what's going on?</p>

<p>my favorite moment for Cornell on television is when the ILR prof was on The Daily Show when it came back from the strike break, and Jon Stewart said "a professor of Labor Relations at Cornell University" then side comments "safety school..." and then he nods no, shrugs, and is like "it's a good school." </p>

<p>haha. especially since it was by far my top choice, lol.</p>

<p>hahahaha the office is great</p>

<p>greatest moment of my life! How appropriate, we were all slaving away on our ED applications while watching it haha. I know I was, it got me pumped</p>

<p>haha I just stumbled into the Cornell reference on SNL myself! the (brilliant!!!) Keith Olbermann spoof has it, about halfway through, saying how has known of George Orwell's pen name since his senior year at Cornell. :D</p>

<p>Isn't "The Office" kind of mocking Cornell itself? I think it's great, but I just imagine a bunch of Harvard grads are sitting around the writers' table mocking the idea that these people from Scranton would so passionately aspire to Cornell.</p>

<p>I might be wrong. Just kind of reminds me of when 30 Rock went to Cleveland. "We'd all love to flee to the Cleve, Lemon"</p>



<p>I think that is exactly what is happening, Applejack. See also: All the Ivy League references in The Simpsons.</p>

<p>Funny that you say that…the lead writer of the Office went to Harvard.</p>

<p>Don’t take it too personally, the Office is meant to be funny, it mocks everything. Please don’t turn this into a thread about Crimson mocking Big Red. heh, that rhymed.</p>

<p>we’re very mockable if I do say so myself.</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“]MetaEzra[/url”>]MetaEzra[/url</a>]</p>


<p>just watched it now on their website! so funny! really very Cornellian-ish too, in a way. </p>

<p>(but srsly, who would go laugh about something on Comstock Hall? haha bio, what a knee-slapper!)</p>

<p>One of the best shows on TV for sure. As good as the whole story line was, the Halloween thing in the beginning was classic.</p>