<p>I am so excited to attend Cornell. I applied to several other Ivys and although I'm interested to know whether I get in, I still plan to attend Cornell. Why? Cornell is the best school for me. It's the closest to my home and it has the best environment. In addition, it has the most interesting majors, the most flexible learning opportunities and fabulous instructors. For me, Cornell is the best Ivy. I am sure others will agree that every school is what you make of it and the best school is the school that meets your needs. Good luck to everyone in the RD pool - think positively and good things will come your way!</p>
<p>Thanks starbound! Your postive and generous attitude are going to take you far in life!</p>
<p>Well done =)
I'm glad to see not everyone on these boards is here to publicly unload their personal angst and intellectual insecurities.</p>