Cornell RD Class of 2025

does anyone know why the cornell financial aid website says the due date isnt until 2022?

Hi. My son’s portal said the same thing. We called and was told to complete more forms.

wait where’s the financial aid portal??

found it, phew. Thought i hadn’t applied for fin aid or something

If his C is in Senior year 2nd sem that may not make a huge difference. But the two B+ early on may impact. For Cornell the interviews are not evaluatory but only for information.

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Hi I’m an International Student from Northern Ireland and applied through Early Decision but was deferred. I was wondering, has there been any emails sent out specifically to international students regarding financial aid about sending additional documents? My friend who applied for Columbia has been getting a lot of emails to send official financial documents so I was wondering if Cornell does the same. Also my Financial aid portal has nothing on its to do list, is this the same for everyone?


No one knows, but CS is the toughest program to get into in the country right now. Many kids skip over taking Ab calc and pick the material up on review during BC calc as juniors in non ranked public high schools. Kids are taking AP Bio as juniors or even sophomores. I assume to stand out for admissions to a top 10 CS program it’s going to be about rigor of class load, EC, how many 5s on the AP test, how many AP test. So many truly brilliant kids with deep EC activities, sports, Etc, are applying to CS. The outcomes are comparable to getting into and graduating from a top 10 MBA program. After my son recently got denied from Stanford and Cal tech for CS. He applied to Cornel for their math program instead of CS. 3.96 UW GPA, 14 AP classes, A in Multi variable Calc during his first semester of senior year from our flagship state U, linear Algebra did not fit with with 2nd semester of high school schedule, He is missing not having a math class for the first time. We are nervous and waiting hopefully at the same time, but have alternative safety acceptance plan and still waiting on more options. CS @ Michigan(waiting) is his first hope(no guarantees) now, but Cornel would be great too. So many accomplished kids with brilliant minds who have been camp or self taught passion coders are applying to top 10 CS programs. It’s impressive and it gives me hope for the future of our world. Recently, Cornel graduated a 16YO, their are truly brilliant kids applying. Trusting the process here, going with flow however it goes.

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hi guys, does anyone know if for the alumni ‘interview’ do they do a write up of you?

I don’t think Cornell is a direct-admit school, i.e. you can have an “intended” major, but in reality you get admitted to a College (CAS, Eng … ) and having fulfilled the major requirements you can declare your major … not sure applying for math (in CAS I presume) will make any difference.

So Cornell has CS in Arts & Sciences and in COE. In COE they expect all students to have already taken AP Calc AB and won’t even accept anyone if they haven’t. The first class for those students is BC (Calc 2) unless they earned the AP credit. COE doesn’t even give AP credit for AP Calc AB either, so for those who took BC, they only get half the credit. Also, for COE you are not accepted for CS, but for COE. You do not apply to your major until after sophomore year or until you complete certain course requirements with no grade less than a B- at which time you are allowed to apply for affiliation. All COE applications are reviewed by the COE.

For Arts & Sciences it is slightly different as someone applying for “CS” application may not be reviewed by anyone that has anything to do with CS or Engineering and so they may have no clue what someone is talking about or what any of their awards are. One of the CS Professors reviews applications for Arts and Sciences and he has written about this previously on Reddit. COE doesn’t require someone take AP Biology, nor is Biology a requirement in COE to graduate, so from that regard they won’t care, however, you’re applying for CAS and you do need to take Biology, so it may have an impact if one has done poorly in AP Biology, but again if grades were stellar to that point, who knows? I’m not sure if CAS you apply to the major or if it is like COE where you do not, but at the end of the day, Arts and Sciences is the largest College at Cornell so it probably also has the most applications, hence potentially the most competitive. However, this year with CALS, AAP, Dyson and SHA being test blind altogether, it could be possible that those Colleges have many more applications than some of the others.

At the end of the day, Cornell and any other elite school are going to be a reach for anyone, especially this year, so no one really knows what any of it means.

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@dimkin Exactly what I was trying to say, but wasn’t 100% sure for CAS. Thanks for affirming that. I have often heard people mention low enrolled majors in CAS or something to that effect, but Cornell also knows about people trying to get in the back door.

CS is in CAS and Engineering … CAS used to be the toughest to get into … these days it’s Dyson with CAS and Engineering being on par … so no backdoors.

It used to be NOT too hard to transfer between colleges at Big Red (assuming that you were taking the courses needed) these days I don’t know … but what backdoor ??? Would you really try to apply to ILR and THEN transfer to CAS? Ton of time wasted … and ILR is pretty far from CS

Thanks I totally understand it’s extremely competitive.

Our schools in county has strict rules when we take AP’s most of AP’s are not offered till Junior and Senior years they won’t even allow top students to take it.
From our Naviance I see every year at-least 2-5 kids got into Cornell with GPA less than 3.6 and also couple of kids with GPA 3.15 sat 1280 and 2.8 sat 1399 which makes interesting what could be the reason such low GPA folks got in ?

Haha no backdoor to getting into Cornell, still not too hard to transfer between colleges, but you need to also have the grades to transfer. People think it’s a piece of cake and don’t realize as I’m sure you know from looking at that profile “pic” you have that Cornell is HARD! Of course, there are schools that are known to be easier to get into than others, but if your courses and EC’s all scream of Engineering and you try to get into Human Ecology (to use your similar example of ILR to CAS) then that is an obvious attempt at back dooring it and not going to happen.

Many as I’m sure you also know, who were stellar students at their high schools, never earning anything but an A before in their lives, suddenly get a C and are shocked and don’t know what to do. It’s not for the weak. But, hard work is also rewarded with certain classes that you can earn an A+! I’ve never seen that before!

Dyson is so hard to get into mainly because so many apply and it’s such a tiny program.

Yeah low GPA could be anything really. First Generation, URM, legacy, anomaly, specific programs, athletes, you never really know. My daughter’s year 3 kids from our midwestern school went to Cornell. This year no one for ED and who knows for RD? Not looking good for my son and he has higher stats than any of the ones from her class and the ones from the last few years, but this year, it’s just the way the cookie crumbles and just maybe not meant to be. As for her, she’s definitely met some kids she has no idea how they got in, and others who are just beyond geniuses. You’ll find that anywhere though.

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Yes on all fronts … the grades you need aren’t ridiculous (I think 2.7 gpa was needed back in the day) which isn’t the same as some of the publics these days (like in UIUC you need 3.8 to transfer into CS). Yes … Cornell is hard … but not ridiculous … if you have the right attitude and make sure to NOT fall behind on your work, you do fine … 3.2-3.5 fine … to get above you REALLY need to work…

So yeah … transfers are possible provided there is an overlap in the coursework.

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I think what you said is spot on. These are kids that a 3.2-3.5 are unheard of and then they crack under the pressure. Our high school is really hard, when mine wasn’t stressed during preliminaries I was like “wth!”. She told me it was because our school really prepared her well. So although she stresses, who doesn’t, it makes me feel good about her decision, even though there are things I can definitely do without. She loves it, she has found her tribe and she’s far exceeding our expectations. Who can ask for more for our kids?

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My passionate coder son applied to CMU as a Math major instead of CS, CMU does have direct admission to their COE CS program with low % of acceptance. Our logic was, if he 4 points all the engineering level math classes and CS electives classes he is allowed to take, it would be hard for CMU CS COE to deny him as a internal transfer. Trying to hedge what major to apply for creating higher probabilities that at least one of his dream schools allows him admission. He is equally passionate about math and coding. We are literally trusting other people now to recognize his abilities and attributes he would bring to campus during the admission process. I hate the term rejected, to me the word reject implies a defect. I prefer the word denied, the kids are more than capable to succeed at top colleges they are being denied from competition.

Have you done an on campus visit at CMU or talked to anyone in CS there? They rarely if ever take any internal transfers. The reason being is that their program is so small that no one ever leaves it. I would not count on your son being able to internally transfer in, even if he had a million A’s. If you want to major in CS, you are best off applying to CS there. CMU has been at the top of the CS chain for years!!! It’s an amazing program and I wish all my kids were interesting in it, but only one of mine was. They will very clearly tell you at any admissions session you go to, do NOT expect or plan to transfer into CS as your chances are essentially non-existent. If your son is accepted and is at least happy with his second choice Math, then that is at least something.

anyone know why financial aid portal has to do stuff due feb 2022?