Cornell RD Class of 2025

no arts & sciences

LMAO I had an interview that lasted like 20 minutes…talk about contrasts :slight_smile:

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hahaha riiiight but the interview doesn’t rly matter i think

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Same here…21 minutes precisely, basically being asked questions and not much to get from the interviewer

Is Cornell CAS sending out likely letters for programs like Tanner Dean’s scholars this year? When do likely letters usually come out?

Well … ask questions!!! Mine usually last an hour

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SHA has begun releasing decisions. I found out yesterday that I got in. They sent an email at around 5:30pm EST. I heard that they will continue releasing decisions over the next couple days.


Anyone know if ILR will be sending early letters?

congrats! are you an undergraduate?

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do you know if they do these for other schools as well aka the college of arts and sciences.

I thought that Cornell had to wait until Ivy Day to release notifications?

Some Ivy’s send likely letters. So do other schools as well. It’s to a handful of students for a myriad of reasons, not the entire class that they’re accepting.

Thank you. I never knew what “likely letters” were until a few days ago.

Other schools do send likely letters, but only SHA is actually sending out acceptances early. ILR has also sent out acceptances early in previous years, but I haven’t heard anything for this year. Though all Cornell schools do send likely letters, they only go out to a very small portion of the total number of accepted students.

Cornell SHA & ILR and Penn Nursing are allowed to send acceptances before Ivy day according to the Ivy agreement.

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Why exactly is this the case? Although I can’t say I’m complaining - knowing I’m into Cornell is a HUGE relief.

It’s mentioned in 1b, but doesn’t say why.

I think it is because there is no other school in the IVY league like the nursing school at Penn and the Hotel school and ILR school at Cornell.

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All schools in Cornell do not send likely letters. Only SHA and ILR do historically. There are other reasons why someone may get a letter but it’s not by school. Diversity, URM, etc. But specific reasons.

So does Arts and Sciences send likely letters?