Cornell RD Class of 2025

Oh no… :disappointed_relieved: chances goes down the drain

oh, the APP21-seven digit, i found the 7 -digit in demographic page. Probably not important. At least it is not applicable before any decision is out.

Feel that pain as well. No rejections, but if there is one more waitlist, I am just going to scream. Two years ago we were done in December, this year I cannot believe we may not be done in May.

And the boy thing, totally.

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My daughter got an email from Cornell yesterday asking for her to complete her financial aid application. We had only submitted the FAFSA, as after completing that it seemed pointless to fill out anymore documents due to a high EFC. We did the same for all schools. JHU just accepted her without asking for any additional financial aid documents.

In order to receive some of Cornell’s donor scholarships, you need to fill out the financial aid forms first. It’s just something they require before you get one of those, even if a family doesn’t need financial aid. They might be trying to match your daughter with one of these awards. I’d do what they’re requesting, like right now. If she got through that RD mess at Hopkins yesterday, where they only accepted like 5% of their RD applicants, then obviously she’s an incredible student and this is probably what’s going on with Cornell. They are most likely trying to do what they can to entice her to go there. (Just speculating…please don’t thrash.)


@Lil_Shortay thank for the input! Maybe l will go ahead then and send the documents!

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Anyone have “Federal Verification Sheet” on your TO-DO list in the FA portal? I have one that says received but its due in Feb 2022 and I don’t remember sending that to them? Does anyone know what this means?

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Which menu it’s under financial aid?

Main menu in the financial aid portal

I also have this. No idea what it means. Not sure why they would need something for 2022.

I don’t see anything in Todo list

you have To do list but no items? Strange

Did you apply for FA?

Yes applied FA , CSS , IDOC everything sent fine

@Amazon1999 Do you have this on your FA portal as well?

I really do not believe that it means anything. Some students are randomly selected to verify the accuracy of the information they provided in their FAFSA. I honestly don’t think it means anything, so for those of of you who don’t have it on your “to do” list don’t worry (I could be wrong and if I am I apologize).

Yeah its also weird because it says “received” but i do not remember sending it to them or them requesting the document

yes, in the same boat.

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We won’t qualify for FA , just name sake we sent all documents while doing all colleges

Yeah it is strange. I have had it on my to do list for as long as I can remember and the status has always been received and I never sent any documents to Cornell or submitted extra documents through IDOC. I think that possibly the responsibility is for Cornell to verify the information. I honestly have no clue how this worksheet works, but this specific document has been a point of confusion for many Cornell applicants (reddit and CC posts going back to 2010). Also if I am ever incorrect, please lmk as I am pretty new to CC and what not.