Cornell RD Class of 2025

So you submitted all FAFSA / CSS / IDOC documents properly ?

has it historically been in any way indicative of an admission decision?

I’m pretty sure FAFSA randomly selects applications to verify. That’s what this is.

why is it “received” though. I never submitted anything.

Something similar said at the end of the thread
Looks like random Fafsa verification

yes, status is received, I thought everyone has this, nothing to worry.

I will get to your other question in just a minute, but I think there are two reasons that it could possibly be “received” (again, these are all assumptions which could easily not be true). One reason I think it might be received is because it is not our job to verify the info but rather Cornell and their admissions team or whatever once students are randomly selected. The other reason is maybe our decisions have already been made and we weren’t accepted so they don’t need the worksheet so they just have the status as received to prevent us from submitting it (that might be the pessimist in me and I don’t mean to scare anyone). This could also be wrong it’s just a guess.

the latter… :’)

does anyone have it as initiated? we can make some conclusions if this is the case…

Quite unlikely, and doesn’t make sense. There are many ways to handle than mark Received.

Seems all unnecessary assumptions

It has historically not been indicative of an admission decision.


May I know where to look for financial aid checklist in your portal? Can I have the link for accessing the FA portal? Thanks!

Edit: never mind, got the portal access for FA

How did you get it? we can’t find it.

search for finaid within topic, you will see the link

The CSS especially at Cornell is a royal pain in the neck. Your best bet would be to call the financial aid office and ask about the email as they may just be making sure that you are not intending to apply for financial aid since you started the application for it with the Fafsa. We learned this during our last go around with my daughter and this time made sure not to submit the Fafsa as it’s not worth it due to the burden of completing the css as well as the invasiveness of it hence why you can find out for sure by one call to the financial aid office. Also just for the record, the financial aid office operates completely separate from the admissions department there since they’re need blind so it shouldn’t impact any scholarships that may be offered. Check the website to see what scholarships they do offer as you’ll see if your daughter qualifies.

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Thanks. Yes nothing listed. The page I used to login also says it only shows outstanding items. So we’ll assume no items are outstanding.

My S21 has this on his FA portal. Do we need to do any action for this? Status says received :flushed:

i think this is normal. No action required. If the FA office needs anything, they would contact you. No news is good news.

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What I recall with my daughter it wasn’t the financial aid office that contacted us it was something I think that had showed up on the CSS portal showing something was missing which turned out to be some form that had to be signed. That was the last bit of information. I can’t remember what it was called as this was two years ago.

But like with anything else if anyone isn’t clear about it they should just call the financial aid office. They’re very nice and helpful as I contacted them the one time after her ED decision to ask a few questions after we received are “wonderful” award which was a complete joke and completely inconsistent with what the EFC came out to be. One good thing though. They never require you fill out the CSS at Cornell again after the first time. For the people I know who receive FA it’s only the Fafsa they need to complete annually.