Cornell RD Class of 2025

I am in the same boat buddy. I just feel depressed right now.

My son’s financial verification worksheet said “received,” but I called to double check and it did need to be corrected and uploaded again. When in doubt, call (you may be on hold for a long time). They are great about straightening everything out. Don’t assume that it is complete if it says “received.” In our case, that was misleading.

Why depressed?

Did anyone else not receive any information about an interview throughout the entire process? I requested an “alumni conversation” on my portal and everything…

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It doesn’t mean anything. There are just not enough alumni to interview all the applicants and the time involved for the alumni is taxing.

The “interview” is just an information talk and has no bearing on whether you are accepted or not and there’s no write up. If you were contacted for one the only thing that the alumni provides to Cornell is if you were contacted and if you accepted or declined the “talk”. That’s it. Plenty of people are admitted without them.

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CAS AND COE CS are the same … the only difference is the “breadth” requirements of each college. At CAS it’s more humanities, at COE it’s less humanities … (that’s how I picked where to apply back in the day)

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Well technically that’s one difference but there are some others. @NJcollege2021 and @PurpleFaithful

CS in CAS vs CS in Engineering—

CS in Engineering you take Calc 3 for Engineers vs Calc 3; same course but they found that kids in Engineering were setting the curve so they separated out the courses. Similar for Linear Algebra. There is one called Linear Algebra for Engineers and one that is Linear Algebra that you take if you’re in CAS. Also less Physics and Chemistry if in CAS which is why there are more humanities courses and Biology etc in CAS. Really depends on your interests. Also, in CAS it may not be a CS person that reads your application. You might very well have some random History person reading it who doesn’t know anything about your EC’s related to CS whereas in Engineering they would. There is one CS Professor that reads for CAS and he happened to mention that when someone asked about applying to CAS for CS on Reddit a while back.

But overall here is a really helpful checklist my daughter uses for CS in COEand I’ve included the CAS one as well. CAS also now has a foreign language requirement.


My portal also said “received” as well but I do not remember submitting it. Should I also call the FA office?

wow … they changed that from my days … used to be the same exact courses …
so they threw in the towel on CAS guys … wow

I would recommend because our son’s file was not marked complete as a result. It wouldn’t hurt to double check or clear up any confusion. Just be prepared to be on hold for a while before they take your call.

Hey guys. Try not to worry yourselves over the FA docs. Based on the posts I’ve read on CC and Reddit, Cornell does a good job of reaching out to folks they need corrected or completed forms from. Try not to worry about what the portal says. I worked myself up pretty good last week only to learn everyone’s portal says the same thing, lol, and to have patience. I know all of this is stressful but we’ve only got 2 more weeks to go so stay positive and headstrong.

Btw- The docs that say “received” that you don’t remember submitting- you’ve likely submitted to CSS but was possibly titled differently. That’s actually been my case with them.

Good luck to you all! I’m strongly rooting for all of us. We’ve created a nice, nurturing community on this thread.


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Where is everyone looking for this FA stuff? All I see is a To Do List and the message below it: “No current to do item information found.”

The FA docs are listed in the “To Do List” section.

Ok, so my message of “No current to do item information found.” just means they have everything they need?

Pretty much!

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Thank you!

No prob and good luck!! :four_leaf_clover:

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While I agree with this, in our case “received” indicated something was incorrect and we needed to fix and upload again in order for our son’s file to be complete. So, when in doubt, call and have them verify that everything is as it should be.

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Yep! Still same courses, same books, etc. but I guess those CAS students didn’t like the Engineering kids setting the curves so now they gave them their own classes. lol

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Econ students used to hate when we took their classes for Hum Electives …
Curves were way up …