Cornell RD Class of 2025

I really hope to minor in public policy if admitted, I’m engineering major

Same here, I’m from India though

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ugghh… I just got an email from financial aid saying that one of my documents is hard to read so now I have to resend it to them. Will this impact how much financial aid I get?


UC institutions are big universities that need to fill a variety of students that will represent different departments. Like-minded populations could very well bottle-neck themselves if they gravitate to one area. But I think you are going too far the other way. Since the UCs made changes to their application in 2016, there has been more “subjectivity.”

This is a NY Times article from 2013 to give some hint why people may be justifiably concerned:

“Officially, like all readers, I was to exclude minority background from my consideration. I was simply to notice whether the student came from a non-English-speaking household. I was not told what to do with this information…”

UC admissions are good people with a hard job, but as a hypothetical, can have bias without giving a specific directive. Compare with systemic racism. Just hire people you know think a certain way or can guess what you want. Also, remind individuals how subjective their annual review is.

I understand what you mean, but I don’t expect an admission officer at UCI to think they are lower than UCB. There is no official state government ranking of UC institutions. It’s a fashion statement whether one institution is higher or lower than another. The Cal State system is more clearly a second tier and SLO is often more competitive to get into than a UC.

There is more forgiveness of A-G requirements while some burden to demonstrate English proficiency so it might even out.

I understand what you’re saying, but nationally everyone knows that UCB is one of the top ranked schools for CS and Business and the others don’t really come close. It ultimately come to a matter of fit like anything else. My kids liked Berkeley but not enough to apply. I already have one living in SF but they would’ve had to change some things with their high school coursework that they didn’t want to do to apply there. My youngest had enough time to do that but he didn’t like it. UCLA while beautiful, had more negatives than pluses and wasn’t known for their programs they were applying for, ultimately also didn’t apply, plus same issue as UCB. The other UC’s kids from our school get into fairly easier but again kids tend to focus on rankings and best programs and again fit. What works for one, may not work for another. Which of course is why they’re all so popular.

Did most of you submit the test scores?
Those who have already accepted to top private colleges, did you feel submitting the test scores make the difference?


My son submitted his test score. He took it in the fall of junior year. Do not feel the score hurt him. He has no rejections as of yet, but on the flip side has a lot of waitlists.

Of his original 7 EA schools he applied to, he was accepted to 5, deferred 1 (Cornell) and waitlisted to 1.

After his Cornell deferral he got nervous and added 6 more schools. He has been waitlisted to the 4 he has heard from w/2 next week. One of them, Vanderbilt, he declined the waitlist because they do not have that good of a CS program relative to where he has been accepted so it was an easy school to remove himself off of. If he had applied to 2 of those schools during their EA period, he probably would’ve gotten in, but hindsight is 20/20. There are schools I expected rejections and acceptances even in a normal year that he has been waitlisted.

Bottom line, he has some good options of what he has whittled down from and he definitely cannot complain at the end of the day. Others are not as fortunate and he needs to appreciate that.

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Very similar experience for us as well. My daughter submitted test score and was waitlisted at many schools.

Ok thanks. If I am in the admission officer’s shoes, I will take a notice on those kids who performed extreme well on the test. If your test is average, I won’t consider much, and value your grade more. I think this is more fair to those could not take the tests. It is tough to stand out among all amazing kids.

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Really true. When the life is fair for some, it is unfair for others. We just have to accept and wait for our turn.

Your son seems already amazing. He has a very good chance. My son was avoiding to take SAT in his Jr year. Then this COVID thing happened in the Sr year. Kind of regretted.

I just can not expect kids to perform well during the Civid time. It was so uncertain if you should study for the test when the tests kept cancelled.
My son ended up not studying for the test at all.


did anyone’s withdrawal button disappear from the portal?

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Wow, it did :0

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Me too! I got lots of waitlists lol…I got accepted to UCLA and UVA though, so I guess it’s not bad especially in this year.

do you think it means anything? like why would they remove the option to withdraw before decisions are out. or maybe it means a decision has been made…