Cornell RD Class of 2025

Withdraw button gone as well

Financial aid portal , anyone has this on account summary page ,until couple of days had all blank

Account Summary :
You have no outstanding charges at this time.
*To view Cornell Card balance and activity log on to:

Yeah everyone has that :confused: it’s been on the Reddit page a bit

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Thanks never mind then :frowning:

I didn’t see until 2 days back , before it was blank so wondering. You always had it ?

I do not have that :thinking:. On financial aid site I see federal worksheet “received” but if I try to view anything else it says access denied ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yes that is what I have.

For those trying to check–go to financial aid portal–log in–
Main menu–self service–campus finances–account inquiry

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check here

how do u guys get to the financial aid portal? ;O

can u send a link to the financial aid portal or do you have to go to the general one first

nvm I found it mine just says “no outstanding charges”

Just google Cornell university financial aid portal

Does it mean anything if you have stuff on your fin aid portal to-do list that is due on 4/6? Just saw it on portal though never received a email about it

does Cornell have any indicator of acceptance? (Sorry, I am not trying to make you feel stress, I am just curious)

Probably no indicators so far what I have seen on different threads

what is due on 4/6?

when i log onto the portal, it says i don’t have access to it at all. anyone else?

to the regular applicant portal? I still have access.

are you an international?

guys can you see your withdraw button? I can’t. This may be an indicator

i cannot

Yes. A Likely Letter.

Other than that? No