Cornell RD Class of 2025

I applied ED and got deferred. Did not receive any request to update fin aid info. This prolly means they did not review my fin aid info in the ED round.

Today I just received a request to fill out a household certification form that is due on 4/6. Haven’t uploaded any new info since November, so I think they might actually be starting to process these for accepted students (which they haven’t done for me- a deferee- back in December). I think it might be a good indicator.

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i promise you that nothing with financial aid means anything. i’ve talked to the financial aid office quite a few times and they don’t know anything about what is going on in admissions—just that you’re missing info in your financial aid portal and they need it. have you considered maybe they were just giving you a week from Tuesday (the 6th) to submit the documentation? i’m not trying to be a downer but financial aid stuff definitely will not be an indicator


what is the chat with us feature for on the portal?

i dont even have it where is it

Yeah seriously where is it??

This is true. The left has nothing to do with the right when it comes to financial aid and admissions. They do financial aid for everyone and it can change between now and when someone applied in November, especially if they’ve already filed 2020 tax returns.

I see, it is at the bottom-right corner, a blue-cloudy box.

Are you talking about the financial aid portal or applicant portal. There is nothing on my son’s portal other than at the bottom the Contact Us info.

Any idea (or guess!) of how many of the acceptances would have gotten a likely letter?

at the bottom right of the applicant portal theres a chat with us thing, i don’t remember having it before.

i would think everyone has it too.

Nope! Definitely don’t have that. Maybe you should try chatting with them and ask about it! LOL

maybe they are slowly adding it to everyone’s portal? idk it seems weird because i think it’s a live chat.

I have the “chat with us” feature. wasn’t there last night tho.

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my daughter has the chat button too.


My son applied ED. He knows 2 people that applied RD that have it. Is there anyone that applied ED that was deferred that has it?

Maybe it’s only RD folks?

i don’t have the ‘chat with us’ button

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Mine just said it’s on the General Cornell website but not on his app portal. He checked through safari and chrome.