Cornell RD Class of 2025

that’s interesting. Does a CS student have a different chance depending on whether they are engineering or CAS? the CMU numbers had a 20% acceptance for Engineering students versus CS at single digits.

Cornell does not admit by major!
All that matters is the acceptance rate to CAS or COE!

(CMU also admits by school. School of CS (SCS) has a very low acceptance rate indeed, also their COE has a restricted (no ECE allowed) acceptance and un-restricted(any engineering major))

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does anyone have something due on 4/6 in financial aid portal

What’s the acceptance rate for college of human ecology?

I think 17% but this data is from years ago

hey guys, so i submitted my mid year transcripts on 15th march, what are the chances that it was reviewed with my application? I had a serious grade drop in my 11th grade due to covid 19 plus my offline mid terms were postponed due to the pandemic so i wrote a letter and submitted it a few days ago to explain my situation. They did receive it and said that they had added them to the file. I couldn’t even apply ED cause i contracted covid 19. Would they re-evaluate my application after these situations? Cause i got straight rejections from the universities that didn’t see my midterm transcripts. what options do i have here? plus i am international

I guess they would have already made a decision before i submitted my mid-term transcripts

I have also submitted additional materials around that time too. I can’t guarantee that they looked at it but I bet they still hadn’t finalized decisions by them so I think there is a large possibility

glad to hear that, but in case i get rejected and they do not see my transcripts could I appeal it? cause its an extreme circumstance ( getting covid-19)


:frowning: pain

I guess I’m hoping that he has a better chance at Cornell because of this difference in acceptance! CMU was extremely competitive, but I think we’ll find Cornell is also more competitive this year!

It says on the website that they still review applications without the midyear transcript (but you’re supposed to send it as soon as you can, in this case, this was as soon as you can right?)

yeah, both CAS and COE seem to be easier to get into than CMU SCS … good luck!

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I really hope so! I even wrote an
wait for it …

letter of EXTREME interest

describing how cornell has been my dream since i was 9 years old and describing my circumstances.

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What country are you from?

INDIA! major: mechanical engineering

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Oh cool, good luck all the best !

good luck to you as well! I got many rejections but I see a silver lining for cornell

Yes, and no. COE when you apply you are generally putting what major you’re interested in. There are some majors that are less popular like Environmental Engineering so if someone is interested in that they may have a better chance at being selected for that program than if they say they’re interested in CS. However, if someone’s background shouts all CS and they say they’re interested in Environmental Engineering, then that’s pretty obvious. Applicants to COE are reviewed by COE people, however, applicants to CAS can be reviewed by anyone. So if you apply to CS in CAS and have an English Professor reviewing your application, they may not understand an essay that is talking about coding or some other thing related to computer science which can be a negative whereas if the same essay were read by a COE Professor it may not have the same negative impact.

Also, CAS is the biggest college at Cornell but it also has the most applications. Some view it easier to get into, however, COE has higher stats so perhaps it is easier if you can’t get into COE with comparable stats. Maybe this year is different because COE is test optional.

At this point it does not really matter. Decisions are finalized and everyone will know one way or the other on Tuesday night.

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