Cornell RD Class of 2025

Has anyone been contacted to be interviewed for the Millstein Program (an interdisciplinary program in Technology and the Humanities, run out of the CAS)? Interviews were supposed to take place during March this year–I am wondering if they are running late.

I just got an email from my high school that I “Topped in World” in Cambridge A Level Mathematics. I know that decisions have been finalised. What should I do?

Are you from the UK?

South Asia

It says that interviews are going to be conducted in April to finalist and they already sent emails to some finalist. I don’t know if all of the finalists were announced or if they still have more emails to send out

Well the good news is that their aim is for a class size of 3425 and this year they enrolled 3296 in the class of 2024, so they’re at least taking a larger entering class. Also, part of the reason that their application numbers are so high is that not only were 4 of their programs test optional, but they were altogether test blind so if you turned in any score, they were not even considered.

Also generally the ED admits are about 25% legacy so even if 2/3 of all legacy candidates are turned down during the ED round, the fact that about 25% of the ED class are legacy is pretty significant. And it is impressive on the parent page just how many are mutli-generational legacies. But definitely no guarantee of course. But ultimately, even if you’re a legacy that may only get you in the door as you still have to prove yourself and work your butt off there.


Thank you.

Nevermind, I can get in now. It was probably just a browser issue. Sorry to bother.

I’m not sure when it started but I just checked and I can no longer access my financial aid status page either … It says "You are not authorized to access this component. (40,20)

You have not been granted security authorization for the component you are attempting to access. You may have access to the designated component and page, but not in the specified action mode (such as Correction or Update/Display). Contact your system administrator."
I’ve tried refreshing and logging in and out but it still keeps saying this. :frowning:

Nothing. If you get waitlisted and they take extra information or updates perhaps provide it then but decisions are made, the envelopes are probably already stuffed ready to be mailed out with acceptances. I remember when my daughter was accepted the hard copy arrived for New Yorkers within a day or so, I think we received it by Thursday (decisions came out on Monday), so they probably went in the mail on Tuesday.

hi peeps. was just reading through the discussions from the last couple of days. I’m not a genius or anything but I think I can answer some questions (I received an early acceptance/likely letter in early March, so I can debunk some rumors).

  1. I know it’s tempting to try to see if certain things in the portal mean anything. However, trust me. It all looks the same. I alr got in and my portal looks the same as everyone else (because I can’t officially accept the offer until April 6)
  2. Sending any updates past late Feb is prob pointless. I got my letter on March 15 (and so did all the other early letter people). I’m assuming most decisions are finalized by late Feb or early March.
  3. I don’t think the financial aid stuff means anything. Maybe? Like my to-do list is blank and under campus finances,> accept/decline aid, it says there’s something there for next year, I just can’t see it yet. However, fin aid and admissions are 2 separate offices. Don’t look too much into this, just make sure all your stuff is in.
  4. Lastly, know that whatever happens is not in your control anymore. You worked your hardest, and college admissions this year make zero sense. I’ve gotten rejected from SO many schools (that should be a little easier than an Ivy to get into) yet this happened for me. Don’t lose hope, life has a plan. :slight_smile:

@anyone, lmk if you have any q’s for me.


@queerizzy Thanks for the details. Can you share a screenshot of how the accept/decline aid page looks (with any personal info removed).

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yeah for sure!

have this too,i think everyone does.

Is this what you see when you first log in?

This is how my D financial aid portal is looking…

Mine looks like that too. I couldn’t access my FA portal until I cleared all my cache and cookies for some reason.

click on Main Menu > Self Service in top red header bar

Why are they different?