Cornell student visiting U.Va dies

<p>Cornell student found dead in U.Va. dorm</p>

<p>March 20, 2006, 10:44 PM EST</p>

<p>CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) _ Police are investigating the death of a Cornell University student found in a University of Virginia dorm room. </p>

<p>Matthew Pearlstone, 19, was visiting a friend over spring break who lived in Cauthen residence hall, where he was found dead in a bed Friday morning. </p>

<p>"We don't know the cause of death," campus police Sgt. Melissa Fielding said. "We don't know anything at this point." </p>

<p>Authorities said there was no evidence of foul play, and that Pearlstone's body was taken to the state medical examiner's office in Richmond for an autopsy. </p>

<p>Howard Pearlstone said his grandson was "partying" the night before he died.
"He went to sleep and never woke up," Howard Pearlstone said. "The whole thing is beyond my comprehension." </p>

<p>Matthew Pearlstone, a former marathon runner in high school in St. Louis, was a freshman at Cornell majoring in computer science and electrical engineering. He was a member of the Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle club, which competes in building underwater, unmanned vehicles, said Simeon Moss, a spokesman for the New York university. </p>

<p>Moss said a memorial service will be held at Cornell when students return from spring break. </p>


<p>Information from: Richmond Times-Dispatch, <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>He also was a frequent cc poster, which has been reported on other threads on the subject.</p>

<p>So a NYU spokesman is talking about a Cornell student who died at UVA.</p>

<p>the New York university, university with a little u, because Cornell is a university in New York ;)</p>

<p>"the New York university, university with a little u, because Cornell is a university in New York "</p>

<p>If i had to guess, i would say that in NYU the NY is NYC not the state. Cornell is not in NYC.</p>

<p>yeah...its in NY, like New York the is a New York (the state) when they say the New York university they mean Cornell and not the New York University as in NYU</p>