<p>I originally applied to Cornell as an Early Decision choice in fall 2012. I was ultimately given the option to transfer to my original choice college, CALS, and major, Applied Economics and Management. I'm currently attending a fairly competitive public school in California for my first year and trying to fulfill all the transfer requirements so that I can attend Cornell next fall. I'm just a bit worried because my GPA may not be up to scratch. For most majors, Cornell requires a 3.0 and nothing lower than a B grade. AEM requires a 3.5 at worst… which I didn't realize was so hard to get! I tried my best and ended up with a 3.4 my first quarter. However, my silver lining is that Cornell also takes into account my winter quarter grades and I now have a a cumulative 3.6, which I will be sending to them.</p>
<p>Does anyone have any info about situations like mine? Is my 3.4 a deal breaker? </p>
<p>Sorry for the long read. TL;DR I want to transfer to Cornell, they require a 3.5 GPA. I got a 3.4 but now have a 3.6. Rejection?</p>
<p>UPDATE: Even though there hasn’t been any discussion on this thread, I have gotten a handful of private messages and it seems like there are a lot of people in the same situation as I was, with grades that were on the cusp. So, I thought I’d update the page for any future transfer option applicants. Because my GPA didn’t meet the required number for the transfer option, I presume that I was moved into the regular transfer applicant pool instead. I received my letter of admission yesterday. (Thank goodness!)</p>
<p>If anyone in a similar situation has any questions about the transfer option application process, PM me and I’d be happy to answer them!</p>
<p>YAYY veryferry you made it!!! I was really rooting for you! Congratulations on your acceptance, hope I get to see you on campus next fall
(I got the GT offer as well!!) </p>
<p>Thank you so much, Coriander23!! Getting that letter was such a relief, haha. Good luck to you next year!! I hope we meet someday! </p>
Do you remember when you received the official confirmation that you were accepted?