Corp of Cadets

<p>I was wondering if I have a better chance at attending Virginia Tech, because I signed up to be in the Corp of Cadets if accepted. Does it also help that I am a female? My gpa is pretty strong with a 4.25 (weighted). And my Sat is a little low (1680 combined), but I have multiple extracurricular activities and AP credits. I suppose my main question is : do I have a better chance at being accepted because I will do Corp of Cadets?</p>

<p>Actually, I have heard from several people (reps at college fairs) that applying as a cadet will weigh in some on your application. I can’t really say how much though.</p>

<p>I wouldn<code>t say it would help a ton but it might help a little. You have a good GPA, so I wouldn</code>t worry too much.</p>