Will i get in?

I have taken 7 APs in all of high school and have gotten A’s B’s and C’s.
My gpa is 3.81
SAT 1160
I have Varsity Letters for 3 years along with being a captain, and all conference.
I am in several clubs and 4 honor society’s
I applied early then got deferred.
I am applying for the Corps of Cadets.

Will i get in regular decision?

It depends on the major honestly. Engineering is more selective than the rest of the university. Your GPA looks about right, 7APs is great, and your extracurriculars are stellar. I’ve heard that applying for Corps of Cadets can also help your chances. The only thing that is below average is your SAT but your ECs and APs should make up for that. Best of luck!

thank you! i was business IT but changed it to Undecided after i got deferred. I heard IT was one of the more competitive majors, and it was not something i really saw myself doing.

I actually did something pretty similar, I switched from BIT ago Business Undecided, seeing that you’re taking the same classes in your first year. BIT is one of the most popular majors offered at VT. Fingers crossed!