Virginia Tech - chance me!

Hi guys!

I go to a specialized school. I have a 3.5 gpa uw, 2 APs (calc BC and Physics C), and a SAT score of 1300.
I applied to the Corps of Cadets.
I have a TON of community service, I’ve worked a full time job since I’ve turned 16, and I am a head/member of multiple clubs.

Let me know what you think!

Depending on major, I think you have a good chance. Best of luck

Hey, so idk what major you applied for…that plays a big role. I got in early decision for the corps this year. I have have a higher gpa than you (however, you mentioned a specialized school…, might play a role)however your SAT is higher than mine and should help…in addition being a girl (“gal” I assume?) should really boost your chances in the corps…Hope all goes well for you! :slight_smile: