Corps of Cadets

<p>Is anyone else doing this?</p>

<p>I'm a transfer on the civilian track and received my acceptance letter 3 weeks ago. it didn't say anything about VTCC.</p>

<p>i'm worried about the paperwork, etc. the link online that directs to the med forms doesn't work.</p>

<p>anyways, are there any other transfers joining?</p>

<p>IIRC, my son’s cadet paperwork came towards the end of May. Don’t worry, you still have lots of time to fill it out. Since you haven’t heard anything from the Corps and you’re worried about your status you might want to get in touch with Major Mariger. I’m sure she can give you more information and confirm whether or not you’ve been accepted to the Corps.</p>

<p>thank you hokiesfan! in regards to my status, i know for sure i’m accepted as a transfer cadet. i just want to get all of the paperwork out of the way, but if it usually is around the end of may, then i’m okay.</p>

<p>thank you and i will contact Major Mariger asap.</p>

<p>does anyone know what the best cadet dorms are?
do we even get to choose which ones we want out of the four?</p>

<p>You will be assigned to a company over the summer and that will determine which building you live in (and which floor). As a new cadet you don’t get many choices, housing or otherwise! <g></g></p>