Do we really have to wait to April 1???

<p>I know that is what VT says.....but does it usually take that long? </p>

<p>We would like to visit at Spring Break, but I can't see spending all the money to visit when we won't even know if DS has been accepted.</p>

<p>When I applied two years ago I got the letter in late March. Some people got it a little earlier. Everyone hears back by April 1st.</p>

<p>I think it may depend on what college youre applying to, whether youre going into the Corps or not, and all that kind of stuff.</p>

<p>I guess I just find it frustrating. </p>

<p>My son submitted his application in late Sept (same for Clemson). Clemson’s acceptance letter came today, but he heard from the other 7 schools he applied to well before Christmas. Granted, neither school was his top choice, but they were strong contenders. With virtually no contact from the admissions people and a 5+ month wait - the enthusiasm he had back in the fall has diminished to almost nothing.</p>

<p>It’s rather a shame.</p>

<p>Its a frustrating time i can remember. But theres nothing you can do. Just keep a positive attitude. Its only a few more weeks</p>

<p>We feel your frustration, Grcxx3. The waiting is SO hard. I try to put it out of my head, but thoughts creep into my brain every day, usually when I hear the sound of our mail-lady coming down the street.</p>

<p>Our son has been accepted to every school he applied to EXCEPT Va Tech and USNA, which are the ONLY two that really matter to him. It was certainly nice to get those other four acceptances, but there was no jumping up and down and tears of joy like there will be if/when one or both of the final two arrive.</p>

<p>I know people began finding out in feb. and march last year. For transfers it was the same. It took me as a transfer until the first week of april (may 1 deadline), but they seem to do a pretty good job getting them out before the deadline</p>

<p>My son visited VT fall of his junior year, then waited until the last week of March of his senior year to hear if he’d gotten in. He was accepted, we revisited the last weekend of March last year, and he is now a freshman who LOVES VT and Blacksburg. It was the last school he’d heard from, but in his mind he couldn’t make up his mind where he was going until he’d heard from every school. It was a frustratingly long wait, but when I think how happy he is now, it was worth the wait.</p>

<p>+1 for the above comment. Take this time to settle a bit and squeeze the last bits out of high school. Get to really know your teachers as friends and look forward to getting there each day because it’ll be over soon enough. College is great and I love life as a whole more than in high school, but I do miss it from time to time.</p>

<p>CronusMom - will be keeping my fingers crossed for your son! </p>

<p>twoesses - I understand what you are saying, but your son had the advantage of visiting VT before he applied. My son hasn’t visited, and doesn’t even know that part of the country. </p>

<p>Of course, this is all pretty much “moot” at this point. During a long dinner conversation last night, following a very luke-warm visit to Purdue, DS said that he is really pretty set on his #1 school (Penn State). He said it has everything he wants (academically as well as a good band) and he is comfortable with the decision. He said he would rather spend Spring Break doing something fun as a family, and not worrying about visiting more schools.</p>

<p>I love it when I get all worried about something…for nothing!!! ;)</p>

<p>Oh - hokagesama - no worries! He’s definitely enjoying his last few months of high school!</p>

<p>From what I’ve gathered PSU and VT are very similar schools in a lot of respects. If he’s really happy with PSU I doubt VT would blow him away and make him change his mind and vice versa.</p>

<p>chuy - that’s interesting. Hadn’t heard they were similar. I think DH was really pushing VT pretty hard (even tho he’s from Penn!) because he went to field camp there and just loves the area.</p>

<p>We find Va Tech and Penn State similar in many ways too. My husband is a Penn State graduate (EE degree). We have visited both Tech and PSU with our son, and he likes them equally except that PSU was HUGE with over 40K students. Still, it ended up on our son’s short list of schools (has been accepted to engineering main campus) with the size being the ONLY thing that he did not like.</p>

<p>^^ The size is a big deal, that’s why he’s hoping to make it into the Blue Band - so he’d automatically have a group of students to be part of. Also waiting to hear from the Honors College which would also help.</p>

<p>Our son just got his RD acceptance notification today.</p>

<p>WesternMDdad - by regular mail? email? website? And congrats to your son!</p>

<p>I got mine today too!</p>

<p>Thank you – on the VT website. Good luck!</p>

<p>So I decided to call admissions on Friday and ask if Corps of Cadets applicants will hear about decision by the end of February rather than end of March, as we were told. She said yes, but wait, she looked up his name and told me to check his application page after 5 p.m. I asked if that was good news, and she said, “I cannot give you that information, but you may want to buy some maroon and orange clothing.” Hahaha. </p>

<p>Anyway, son’s application page has been updated with congratulations!!! What a relief.</p>

<p>I got mine today too! I didn’t get any notification – people were just posting on their facebook statuses that they got in, so I got curious and checked my page. Anyways, congrats to everyone else who made it in as well!</p>

<p>not seeing anything. Are you finding this info on the “View Application Summary” page - or is there somewhere else we should be checking?</p>