Really nervous about entering college....Corps of Cadets. Please help!

<p>Hi there, this fall I will be entering VT as a cadet (civilian option). I remember several months ago clicked the cadet option on my application. At that moment I felt really gung-ho about joining the corps. I originally clicked the cadet option because I really wanted to develop my leadership skills because I felt that this was an area I was lacking. However, now I'm beginning to feel really apprehensive and nervous about entering the corps. I fear that I will have a difficult time adjusting to military life (being yelled at & monitored constantly, living in a rushed environment, etc). I know that I can always withdraw after freshman year, but then I feel that I'll have a hard time adjusting to civilian life. I'm also worried about how my buds will feel if I leave them. Like people will have already made lots of friends their freshman year and I'll be behind the civilian world socially because the corps life is very restricted (not to mention I'll be busy with activities and academics all the time). I don't want to leave now because I want to at least give the Cadets a chance and see how it is. But, can you guys please give me advice on how I can look at this? I'm trying to look at things with a positive attitude but just don't want to be going into college terrified about the future.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Even though I myself am not in the Corps of Cadets nor do I go to VT (wish I did!)… My boyfriend is. Last year he was really nervous as well about everything that would happen. He pushed through it though and when I am came down for the Mil Ball he and his buds were having a great time! It is a lot of work and dedication. And I know I don’t know the half of it, but if you try you will succeed. Just remember to shut up and do what you’re told haha and work on your military bearing! Good luck! especially with new cadet week! Just remember it always gets better =)</p>

<p>I lived in Thomas Hall last year as a civilian and I had some cadets in my hall, and made friends with a few. My understanding is that freshmen year is BY FAR the hardest, not only adjustment wise but you have to put up with a lot of stuff. But after that it gets a WHOLE lot better. I also know there are a lot of cool and talented guys in the Corps. I say what the heck go with it and see if you like it, a lot of people do and I personally think its a great thing.</p>

<p>As far as “fitting in” later, I wouldn’t worry about it. The corps does change your attitude a bit, but you can fit well socially (I know this for a fact, I’ve seen a lot of cadets at parties and you don’t even know they’re in the corps, only reason I knew is because I lived with them). </p>

<p>And really if you maybe drop out after freshmen year; a huge advantage of going to a big school like VT is that you make can make friends so easily, because there are so many people around. You won’t be known as “the kid who dropped out of the core” or anything like that because people simply wont know unless you chose them.</p>

<p>Good luck and welcome to Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>Please remember that if you withdraw from the Corps before the end of Red Phase, you will have to leave the University and wait until Spring semester to start as a civilian student. Im a senior in the VTCC this fall. If you have any serious questions dont hesitate to PM me. Good luck.</p>

<p>VTforever, </p>

<p>you and i are in the same boat. i too am an incoming cadet on the civilian track but i’m not apprehensive or “questioning” my decisions or whatever. i just have the regular 'ol nervousness. </p>

<p>what worries me the most about coming into tech is the preconceived notions about me. </p>

<p>i’m from NoVA and the other day i was listening in on a conversation from these upper cadets about the Corps in the ice cream shop i work at. they were talking about some of the incoming students in the VTCC facebook group [that i’m assuming your in] in a negative light. </p>

<p>now i don’t know about you, but this entire summer was about virginia tech for me. i was so honored to be accepted into the corps. but when i heard some of the things those cadets were saying, i was kind of appalled and quite honestly, disappointed. i know we’re freshmen and all, but i pictured upper cadets fostering a sense of community. i know we’re going through red, white, and blue phase and freshman year = hell, and that’s expected. what i didn’t expect was the level of immaturity the upper cadets displayed.</p>

<p>that said, i’m generalizing. not every incoming cadet is like that (i hope) and we are just freshmen. freshman at vt don’t differ from freshmen at harvard, uva, oxford, etc. it should be expected that freshmen will be picked on, esp. in the corps, and i’ve accepted that. what i didn’t expect was hearing some of the really cruel things they said about us (which i will not repeat).</p>

<p>anyways, my worrying is just me complaining about random stuff. people will always talk behind your back. just know that you have incoming students like me and even some upperclassmen cadets who aren’t like those jerks who are here to support and work through freshman year.</p>

<p>like nick4060, you can PM me as well. i created this account just to be anonymous, but purposely called it ‘resilient’ bc that’s what we need to be: strong and flexible. i know i said it before, but we have a great group of incoming students coming in. you’re not alone.</p>