Correct Scores?

<p>I am taking the ACT + Writing on December 13th (this Saturday). Will the scores arrive in time for the January 1st application deadline? I read that they will arrive in time because colleges have access to the information before we do. Is this correct? </p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>well since no one answered yet…
I’ll give it a shot</p>

<p>usually the colleges allow you to send in scores AFTER your app, though if you listed the score to be sent to that college when you registered then you won’t be able to see your score first before being sent</p>

<p>colleges won’t see anything until YOU send the scores</p>

<p>hope this helps</p>

<p>thank you…i understand pretty much everything, except this one question. </p>

<p>do the scores HAVE to be sent to the schools by January 1st? or do the scores HAVE to be delivered to the schools by January 1st? </p>

<p>basically, if the rest of my application is finished before January 1st, will they wait to receive my SAT and ACT grades?</p>

<p>my understanding is that the colleges will wait for your scores to arrive, but i want to make be positive! </p>

<p>thank you!</p>