<p>I'm planning to apply to COSMOS as a backup. Does anyone know if COSMOS is competitive? Does it look good on a college application?</p>
<p>It is not as competitive as SSP or RSI, but I heard it is pretty selective. I think your minimum GPA should be 3.5 or higher.</p>
<p>What is your first choice summer program?</p>
<p>UC Irvine admits over 70% of its applicants, so I wouldn’t consider that competitive. UC Davis, however, only accepts about 45%. You can find all the percentage info here: <a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/cosmos/documents/eval_report.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ucop.edu/cosmos/documents/eval_report.pdf</a></p>
<p>I’m a rising junior, and I’m just planning on going to COSMOS this summer. It shouldn’t be that hard to get in.</p>
<p>I applied to EPGY and a few internship programs.
Now I am thinking of applying to COSMOS, perhaps UCD.</p>
thanks for the website. It helps.</p>
<p>No problem. I was thinking applying to EPGY also, but I did a bit of research and found that it’s not at all competitive. Just pay the dough and have decent grades, and you’ll get accepted. But those who attended the camp said that they loved it. With Stanford associated with the camp, I’m sure it has a certain level of prestige.</p>
<p>I’m looking at internship programs also. Can you help me find some? I appreciate it!</p>
<p>I was told by the actual COSMOS admins that 28% of those who apply to COSMOS get in (about 500 apply, only a hundred or so get in per campus) . . . I think thats at the level fo ceompetitiveness of SSP. Besides, this program is listed in the Caltech website. You also get a boost up in your app if you are planning to apply to UCs for college.</p>
<p>I applied to COSMOS at UCD Math Cluster
along with 63 others according to their site.</p>
<p>How selective is it and what are my chances of getting in?
calc bc as sophomore
usabo semifinalist
also post if you applied too!?</p>
<p>I applied to COSMOS at UCSC
I think you have a very good chance</p>
<p>Yea, the admit rate will be MUCH lower this year. Over 400 people applied for 20-something spots for Biotech.</p>
<p>It really depends on what cluster you apply to. I went to UCSC last year, and they said something like 500 applicants for the ~140 spots, but I know my cluster had about 60 apps whereas the two marine bio clusters and the video game design were ridiculously hard to get into. I suspect some of the others, like chem or nimber theory, had pretty high admit rates. On the COSMOS website it lists how many applicants were received for each cluster before the deadline (or at least it did, I can’t seem to find the page anymore). Davis had about 150 (this is before the deadline) for the biomed cluster, but the other eight at UCD were at about 5-15. </p>
<p>One of the administrators told the UCSC kids last year that COSMOS increases your chances at Berkley by 30%, but that’s probably just as much the type of people who get into COSMOS will already get into Berkley as anything. It’s certainly no “admit all comers,” though, at least for the majority of the clusters. I’d strongly recommend UCSC cluster nine, if anyone is interested in attending next year.</p>
<p>[COSMOS</a> 2009 Application](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/cosmos/apply.html]COSMOS”>http://www.ucop.edu/cosmos/apply.html) - heres the page</p>
<p>yea im applying to COSMOS as a backup</p>
<p>wait…its too late haha nvm…</p>
<p>Wow, your application is infinitely better than mine. I’m applying to UCSD.</p>
<p>My choices go something like this:</p>
<li>Molecular Biology Revolution ( 139 )</li>
<li>Engineering Design & Control of Kinetic Sculptures ( 97 )</li>
<li>Biological Motivations for Tensegrity Structures ( 64 )</li>
<p>I applied when the first choices were more or less even, and somehow I managed to choose the three most competitive clusters at UCSD, in that order.</p>
<p>But unlike you, I’m more of an average student. My app was like this:</p>
3.8GPA ( gr :[ )
AP Bio self-study
Science Olympiad SoCal Finalist (team event)
I think I put something about how I’m one of the 4 student government officers at my school.
And then like 7 years of Chinese language
And something about being #1 Doubles on Varsity Tennis. (And winning SoCal championships for Junior Team Tennis)
My teachers said they’d give me good recommendations
And I thought my short answers were decent enough</p>
<p>I think YOU have a reallyyyy good chance at making it. But I’d like someone to offer some insight on MY chances. (Preferably someone who has been to COSMOS.)</p>
<p>Personally, I don’t think it’s very high, but oh well.</p>
<p>@frz: Unless UCD is insanely more difficult to get into than UCSC, you’re all but guaranteed. </p>
<p>@muffins: It really depends on the professors. The two teachers at UCSC read through all of their apps personally (they said some or most others just let a computer pick the majority of the applicants). No offense, but I don’t see you getting into the molecular bio, since it probably attracts a huge number of extreme overachiever wanna-be doctor types (funny, I’ve been posting about COSMOS for a few days and just now realized that cluster wasn’t specifically premed). You may run into difficulty with the other two clusters as well, however, because some profs don’t bother looking at people who put their cluster as second or third, or so it was at UCSC. On the other hand, you’ve got better ECs and a more rigorous course load than I, and I somehow managed to get in, so you still have a decent chance.</p>
<p>I agree with you, but I thought all the overachievers-wanna-be-doctors went to the legit “Biomedical Sciences ( 378 )”</p>
<p>Oh, my mistake, I thought you were applying to Davis as well. Yeah, so I’m not crazy, or at least not as crazy as I thought.
If you don’t get in this year, you’ve got sophomore summer as well. I don’t think there are a whole lot of programs for sophomores, so COSMOS should be a good use of time. Additionally, if you’re at all interested in physics, I went to cluster 9 at UCSC, and can attest that it was far and away the best cluster there, perhaps in the entire system, because the profs were so damn amazing.</p>
<p>ooh cluster 9 is my 2nd choice after logic, cryptography and number theory, my 3rd choice is astronomy and linear algebra</p>
<p>On the contrary, I think it’s more of a one-time-shot for me. My parents are planning something for Soph year summer, and when Junior year comes, hopefully I’ll be able to get into some more prestigious camps.</p>
<p>I also might try to compete in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup with a few of my friends, if any of you are familiar with game development competitions. I don’t know how good it’ll look on an application if I make it to round 2 in High School, but there you go. It’s for fun.</p>