Could I get a scholarship?

<p>31 ACT
3.8 WEiGHTED gpa</p>

<p>Michigan resident. I am looking for a strong school for engineering incase I am not accepted to Michigan. How much money, if any, do you think I might recieve?</p>

<p>If you're in the top 10% of your class, you'll probably get the Academic Success Award (total of $14,100, with $5,250 the first year). Other than that, Purdue doesn't provide much merit aid for OOS. My D has a 33 ACT, 4.4 W, 3.99 UW GPA, 7 APs and all other honor courses, and that is all she received.<br>
Someone I spoke with indicated that the cutoff for most of the Engineering department scholarships was 34 ACT, 1520 SAT.
Rather disappointing, but I think publics have less leeway in awarding merit money than do privates.</p>

<p>that stinks</p>