Merit Scholarships?

Hello all, just curious as to what type of financial aid Purdue could provide for me if I applied. I am OOS (Ohio) with around a 3.8-3.9 GPA (W) and a 33 superscored on the ACT (32 composite resting). I also intend on majoring in aero engineering, have a fairly rigorous course load, and a few good EC’s (Youth in Government with state leadership positions, FIRST Robotics). Thanks!

My OOS son had similar grades and 33ACT. He got no scholarships. He did get 28 credits from AP and dual credit course but few of those count for his major (FYE).

You must realize that Purdue had 39000 applications last year and accepted 25000 students. They award approximately 1000 merit scholarships each year. Based on anecdotal evidence they seem to give better financial aid (need based) to those students who are awarded scholarships.