Could I get into UVA?

<p>High School Couses Taken before HS</p>

<p>Algebra I - B+</p>

<p>Freshman Year</p>

<p>English 9 Honors - A
History Honors - A
Biology I - A
Geometry - B+
Latin I - A
Gym - A
Band - A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year</p>

<p>English 10 Honors - B+
History Honors - A
Earth Science - A
Algebra II - B
Latin II - B
Gym - A
Graphics Img. Tech. I - A</p>

<p>Junior Year (projected grades)</p>

<p>English 11 Honors - A
AP US History - A
Chemistry - A
Trig - B
Pre-cal II - B+
Latin III - B
Graphics Img. Tech. II - A</p>

<p>Senior Year (projected schedule)</p>

<p>AP American Lit.
AP Government
Physics Honors
AP Calculus AB
AP Latin V
AP Computer Science A
Study Hall</p>

<p>Also let me mention that the trig course and pre cal course listed in junior year are each a semester course so they don't factor in to my GPA as much. Also under junior year the Graphics Img. Tech II class is worth 2 credits so it counts as 2 A's on my GPA.</p>

<p>My SAT scores: a 730 on my reading, 650 on my math, and 620 on my writing. I am on the varsity ice hockey team, do community service, can list a lot of awards, and have clubs. I am also a minority (asian). With all this stuff listed what are my odds of getting in to UVA? I am in-state and plan on doing early decision. Also, let me add that my total weighted GPA after junior year will be about 3.85 or 3.90 and I will be in the top 15% of my class. So, what are my odds?</p>

<p>pretty decent, though you'd have a better shot if you were in the top 10% of your class as you GPA is a bit weak.</p>

<p>so the fact that my science class sequence was: Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics Honors (senior year) doesnt mess my odds are up too much? that's really the only thing that worries me I wish my sequence had been: Biology, Chemistry, AP Biology, Physics Honors. Should I take Bio II (regular) over the summer to improve my odds?</p>

<p>Yea, that stuff is completely irrelevant.</p>

<p>Your SAT score is pretty solid, but your rank and unweighted GPA (whatever it is) are not very competitive. Acceptance isn't out of the question, but your odds are slim.</p>

<p>so i just calculated my unweighted GPA and it came out to 3.77...thats assuming that i did it correctly because i just made all my A's worth 4 points, all my B+'s worth 3.5 points, and all my B's worth 3 points. i don't know if that's how you're supposed to calculate unweighted or not but that's how i did it. Also, I might be in the top 10% of my HS class, it depends on how much other kids GPA's fell or went up after junior year... does that make a significant difference? also I heard that UVA makes it A LOT easier for minorities, does my minority status not help me out enough?</p>

<p>B+'s generall count as 3.3. And no, being asian will not help you at all. Schools generally confer "special" consideration upon underrepresented minorities - blacks, american indians and hispanics. Asians are *over*represented. Some would go as far as saying that they are hurt in admissions.</p>

<p>ok... well i'm not asian asian i'm from the indian subcontinent... i just always checked off asian cuz that was the box that seemed most appropriate... just from looking at my name college admissions people should be able to tell that i'm not asian asian, but india sub-continent asian. </p>

<p>either way would it be best for me to just leave the ethnicitie box unchecked? not just for UVA but in general.</p>

<p>just check it it doesnt matter unless you are one of the underrepresented minorities cavalier302 mentioned</p>

<p>I had a friend who got in witha 3.6. He didn't have many extracirriculars and we lived in n. va (so it was very tough). I think what did it for him was amazing essays and the fact that he took like 5 APs junior year and 6 APs senior year with the remaining classes being forieng languages. Point is, it can vary and I think at your GPA the essays/extracirricular are what are gonna put you over the bar.</p>