Could i get the mcnair scholarship?

<p>With these stats do you think i could get the mcnair scholarship or another large scholarship? I am oos</p>

<p>GPA- 3.83 W ~3.7 UW</p>

<p>SAT- 690m 760cr 740w maybe retake</p>

<p>EC's- 4 year basketball(2 year letter), 4 year cross country(1 year letter) at a 5A school with 2600+ students, National Merit Qualifier(waiting to see if it is commended scholar or semifinalist, probably just commended) NHS, maybe 60+ hrs community service, worked on and off for 2 years at baskin robbins and refereed youth basketball, aau basketball every summer</p>

<p>You certainly qualify for the scholarship on the basis of your SAT scores. It is an application process though and the other factors would be weighed at that time. There are also other scholarships available and no matter how you slice it there is one that will fit your circumstances making USC an attractive option for OOS students. The tuition reduction alone makes the tuition more than competitive with most other schools we enountered. Good Luck!</p>

<p>well do you think i could get a “full ride”?</p>

<p>My experience with USC is that “Full Ride” is not what you would expect it to be. The way they structure their scholarships is a little different than most. The dollar value of the scholarships is based on a tuition reduction. The non-resident University Scholarship results in a tuition reduction to $4378 per semester (not including Room&Board). In addition to that it usually includes some cash anywhere from $250 up to $2000 per semester depending on which scholarship your awarded. The remaining amounts are covered under your financial aid based on what you qualify for. There are also department scholarships available that I would highly suggest you look into. These might offset some of the expense that can’t be covered by grants. Long story short, OOS tution is over $22000 per year BEFORE room and board so no matter which scholarship you get it will probably not fully cover the cost of Tuition, Room & Board and University Fees. Best bet would be to contact Financial aid and explain your situation. They are extremely helpful and will be able to give you a more clear idea of what to expect.</p>

<p>thanks guys</p>

<p>Here is the link to the USC scholarship information.<br>
[Academic</a> Scholarships](<a href=“Scholarships - Financial Aid and Scholarships | University of South Carolina”>Scholarships - Financial Aid and Scholarships | University of South Carolina)</p>

<p>McNair scholars receive reduced tuiton (reduced to in-state rates) PLUS an additional $15,000/year. MeKimber is correct in that this may not be a “full ride” but it would come pretty darn close. Depending on dorm, meal plan, and fees it may not cover the entire cost. This year, the cost not covered would be slightly over $2,000/year (based on honors dorm and the 16+ meal plan option.)</p>

<p>It’s impossible to say whether you’d receive the scholarship, as the criteria changes every year based on the applicant pool but I’d guess that you’d qualify for one of the OOS scholarship programs. This would result in an OOS student receiving in-state tuition plus an additional $2,000-$15,000/year.</p>

My S and a number of his friends at USC are McNair winners. While there is a number metric for SAT’s and GPA’s that you can look up it is based on more than just that.</p>

<h1>1 you have to be willing to fill out the additional application, which some students are just too intimidated by, or just dont want to bother with after slogging through all their other admissions stuff. It is long, and involved.</h1>

<h1>2 the McNair committee,or judges, or whomever is deciding, look for some specific characteristics.Their philosophy is that they are providing this amazing opportunity for students on the campus,and those students should be future real contributors to the USC community…scholarship wise, and leadership wise. You shouldn’t just be showing them 60+ hours of community service…they want to know what made your service hours stand out. You have to show them you had initiative in H.S., and that you will continue on that path in college. You have to knock that application out of the ballpark!!</h1>

<p>There is an interview weekend associated with the scholarship as well. S’s interview committee enjoyed the fact that he held a leadership position in an organization, played a sport and held a paying outside job concurrently.They like your summers to have been well spent and of course, academic rigor goes w/o saying…have you taken AP’s?Honors ? College classes?
Be prepared to discuss matters outside of your studies…current events,books you read for pleasure,etc.</p>

<p>As far as getting a “free ride” USC is a place where this is possible…maybe rare, but possible They do allow the stacking of scholarships,so if you get an in school academic one, plus maybe an outside one,plus a departmental one, they will all be allowed to be used against your costs.In some cases, you can be awarded two in school merit scholarships (not departmental),the Lieber scholarship for National Merit Finalists is an example of one that can be stacked with a McNair, or Carolina or other merit ones.
As far as applying for the departmental scholarships as MeKimber mentioned, USC reserves applying for those until AFTER you are accepted AND enroll.Then they will notify you of the availability in your major dep’t or you can find the opportunity on your dep’t websites.
Good Luck , and apply early!! Just PM me if you want more info.</p>