<p>I am interested in transfering to Cornell's Hotel School after second year.
Here are my statistics. I'M STILL IN FIRST YEAR.</p>
Predicted 3.1
I am not worried about GPA as I can easily bring it up.
SATs: Not required</p>
<p>Leadership Experience
1) Founder/Executive Director/Chairman of the board
Built from scatch and incorporated a non-profit organization that provides mentorship service to small businesses and non profits such as charities, grassroot projects and political parties. Chaired meetings with board; youngest member on board.Numerous mentors and clients. Mentors include many retired CEOs of million dollar companies. Service similar to SCORE in US</p>
<p>2) Co-Founder/Co-President/Director of Marketing of student consulting group
-Created group to tap into previously untapped undergraduate student talent.
Also tapped in graduate talent excluded from previous consulting groups such as students in engineering and public policy. Pioneered concept of chat room focus groups, something that large market research firms in the area either neglected or ignored.Built advisory board of faculty members. Developed parternship with other universities. Catered to small businesses in the area and provided service in market research and technology strategy.</p>
<p>3) Founder of startup drinks manufacturing company
Invented drinks and sold to mainstream markets. Drinks are targeted at young people. Created three different flavors of drinks. Created first door to door sales program of drinks in town.</p>
<p>4)Founder/Chairman: a Book and Software drive
-Founded book and software drive to aid low income families develop job skills
to work at home. Accepted donations from local businesses. First of its kind organization in the city. Partnered with local church and managed and recruited volunteers.
5)Founded two companies while in high school. Made $40,000 when 16.
6)High School Business Club President. To be honest, didn't do much for this one. Mainly invited a few speakers for the group.</p>
<p>Other Extra Curricular Activities
1)President, OPIRG
2)Host of radio show on business strategy.
3)Speaker, University Student Council
4) Author of book on college entrepreneurship.
5) Volunteered at many places (too many to name)</p>
1) University entrance scholarship
2) Awards for student leadership
3) Invited to appear in both radio and newspapers
4) Youngest entrepreneur to be interviewed by a business show. The next youngest executive was at least twice my age.</p>