Could you guys grade my essay? (I'll give you guys cookies :D)

<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I would extremely appreciate it if some of you could grade my attempt at an SAT essay for me here:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It would be great if you could grade it by commenting so that I can keep it for future reference rather than to keep having to refer to it here.</p>


<p><em>Lays out a plate of cookies</em> </p>


<p>Done. Thanks for the cookies!</p>

<p>:D Thankee for your thorough evaluation. </p>

<p><em>Lays out another plate of cookies</em> ;D</p>

<p>If anyone can grade it using the actual SAT's scoring system that would be great as well. ^^</p>

<p>Done. Mmm. Thanks for the cookies. x)</p>

<p>Thanks for the awesome feedback <em>hugs</em></p>

<p>If I get the time I'll post up the recipe ^__^</p>

<p>done!!! thanks for the cookies!!</p>

<p>;D Thank you!</p>

<p>After averaging out the three scores I've got a four. </p>

<p>I shall work on improving my scores and taking into account all of your suggestions ;) Hopefully when the SAT swings around I won't be in trouble.</p>

<p>haihz... ... you sitting for October and writing your practice essay and now I'm sitting doing nothing ... lol ... ... just bought the blue book yesterday... so hard to find the book here...</p>

<p>XD Yeah..but I bet if you took a practice test you'd score higher than me..o.o" Seriously.</p>

<p>Dunno why, but my scores are really low. Must be that I'm stupid or something. :P</p>