Couple of questions about UC's and CSU's

<p>FIrst, can anyone explain the difference in education between UC's and Top CSU's. How much difference will it make to have a UC on your resume instead of a CSU?</p>

<p>And out of these three schools, which would you say has the best business program: SDSU, UCR, or USF.</p>



<p>The top CSUs (Cal Poly SLO, SDSU) fit in with UCI/UCSB/UCD in quality of education. I think SDSU has the best business program - but that's just hearsay, so I don't really know.</p>

<p>so I'd also vote for SD. Of course, Haas at Berkeley trumps them all.</p>

<p>UCs tend to be looked upon more highly, so it seems. CSUs focus on undergrads and masters students, and can only grant PhD degrees in joint programs with UCs. UCs have undergrad, masters, PhD, MD, JD, and you name it degree students. As far as resume goes, it depends on what you are trying to do.</p>

<p>The atmosphere at the three schools you mention is very different. SDSU will cost the least, followed by UCR and then USF (if money is an issue). USF is in San Francisco, SDSU San Diego, and UCR Riverside, three very different environments. If you do well at any of them you will get a good education.</p>

<p>Drab, can you rank the 3 schools. And what do you think my chances are with GPA 3.15 and SAT CR-590 M-690 W-650 of getting into the three schools. The school that I want to go to is SDSU, but my mom either wants me to go to a UC or stay home and go to USF. So Im really hoping that I can get into SDSU.

<p>Do you mean San Francisco State? If so, the acronym is SFSU, not USF. University of San Francisco is a private Catholic school.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>no, I meant USF the private school</p>

<p>I calculated my Eligibility Index to be 3800 which is about 250 points below the average. Is that too far below to get in?</p>

<p>I think you will squeeze in, but have a safety school.</p>

<p>Thanks, thatÂ’s good to hear. But lets say that I get accepted to USF, UCR, and SDSU. Which one of the three should I choose?</p>

<p>If your mom has any concerns about money, USF is quite expensive, especially compared with the state schools, UCs & Cal States. I know several folks at USF that seem to enjoy it. It's a very urban campus & when we toured, you don't get a "college town feel," since it has buildings in SF & they buy buildings as their needs expand.</p>

<p>You should choose the school you like best. Is USF going to cost you $35,000?</p>

<p>I would probably choose SDSU, but that is just me.</p>

<p>So is it because of the money that you choose SDSU or is SDSU really the better school?</p>

<p>Behind USC and Berkeley (ucla management, mostly graduate) I would say SDSU probably has the next best business program. Although, i'm a business student at SDSU, so i'm highly biased. </p>

<p>I did choose SDSU over UCR, UCSC, UCI. </p>

<p>I had thoughts of transferring to UCB (actually ended up getting in for the winter term at the end of the summer, because of a new budgest Arnold passed but chose SDSU) but figured after 4 years of working my ass off as a slave to HAAS (you HAVE to maintain a 3.5), i'd be looking at around a 5-10k difference in salary. Besides once you're hired it's not about what school you went to, it's about how you carry yourself. So really it's up to you. CEO of Costco, Rubio's, Brandeis Investment Firm (they're privately owned and manage 4 billion dollars) all went to SDSU, so you can be successful if you go here. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>