Couple questions...

<p>Is it hard for an Asian to be accepted? How so?</p>

<p>My parents are worried about the terrible environment (New Haven). Any thoughts?</p>

<p>I have no information about acceptance rates for Asians, but I want to call your attention to the recent thread about the New Haven environment, “Do you feel safe at Yale?”</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>More than ninety percent of Asians are rejected. Oh wait, over 90% of all applicants are rejected!</p>

<p>Is it more likely for Asians to be rejected? Dunno cuz I don’t have the stats. I know that approx 12% of the undergrad population is Asian. My opinion is that if Asians find it difficult to be accepted at Yale and other selective schools – it’s because they may tend to congregate around the same batch of high achievements. What do I mean? Asian kid who plays tennis, piano and/or since they were 3, super strong in Math/Sci. Avg leadership roles but not those in areas where they are actual school-wide leaders.</p>

<p>Not that anyone like this needs to feel ashamed – nothing wrong with achieving super high academics. But it’s hard to be unique when many kids mimic the sample I just stated.</p>

<p>I’m Chinese American but was accepted b/c I had some odd characteristics. Great but not perfect GPA, so-so (by Ivy standards) test scores but very unique leadership roles. I was clearly a student leader at my inner city, mostly black HS. My essays showed my connectivity in my school and community. I think these grabbed my app readers’ attention and got me in.</p>

<p>As for safety, the link that CCParent showed you is fine. Don’t believe the stereotypes. I won’t say it’s for everyone nor does it need to be. You need to determine that. But I wouldn’t hesitate one second to allow either of my daughters to attend Yale.</p>