Course Equivalency from Houston Community College

I’m a transfer student from HCC to TAMU and I’m doing my degree plan prior to New Student Conference. I have a few question that needed to answer for my plan.

  1. I’m taking ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits this summer at Houston Community College, but I’m wondering what equivalent course it is at TAMU.
  2. Prior to take ECEN 214 Electrical Circuit Theory I need to tak ENGR 111 and ENGR 112, but taking them each by each would take another semester at TAMU. Is there any chance I could take Engineering courses at Houston Community College to substitute one of or both of those courses? And which course at HCC is that?

Thank you!

try this link

Thank you AGmomx2. Can I take both ENGR 111 and ENGR 112 in one semester?

2405 does not have an equivilent at A&M but it does transfer. Here, you can look up outside TCCNS to see the equiv at A&M and/or if it transfers.

You cannot take 111 and 112 in the same semester. For only 2 hours of credit, these two classes are a ton of work Gobs of time consuming assignments and group projects. These two classes are taken by freshmen. Lots of drops in 111, leaving groups very slim to complete assignments. For both 111 & 112 last year, my son was grouped 2x the whole semester. Thankfully, his groups stayed mostly intact. Other groups lost a lot of members due to drops/no shows. You would not want to take them together, if they did allow it.