Electrical Engineering Transfer Spring 2020

Well this is my first post on here and I was wondering if any of ya’ll knew what the chances of me getting into Electrical Engineering were for Spring 2020.

I currently have 60 credits and will have 81 after the fall semester. I have a 3.81 gpa because I got 2 B’s. Both in general chemistry 1 and 2. Calculus 1 and 2 are boths A’s. I am taking Calculus 3, University Physics 1 and 2 this summer and expect to get A’s in all 3 of them as well. I joined Phi theta kappa if that has anything to do with it. I also know that I will apply after both physics classes have been completed because they are both required for transfer.

@AggieMomhelp & @Thelma2 will be able to chance you!
I don’t know anything about transferring, but isn’t 81 hours too many?

@anonymous9991 You will have too many hours to transfer into EE. Max credits allowed to transfer is 64. Why didn’t you apply for the fall? Your GPA is great but just know how competitive it is for outside students to get into EE. You’ll be competing with students already in the TAMU system whether it be an academy, Galveston or TAMU itself. Everyone has to apply to enter a specific field of engineering after completing required courses. They will get first shot before transfer students. Not trying to be a debbie downer, just laying out the facts. I wish someone had counseled you before you got so far into college coursework.

@AggieMomhelp Sorry I was tired last night and must have looked at my credits wrong. I just double checked and realized that I was wrong. These are the classes I have taken so far:
Both English = 6 credits
Both Chems = 8 credits
Both Geog = 6 credits (also meet the international and cultural diversity requirement)
Both Govt = 6 credits
Both Hist = 6 credits
Art Hist = 3 credits
Cal 1 and Cal 2 = 8 credits
a required Educational class for my community college = 3 credits
All these classes = 46 credits

Then I will take these classes in the summer and fall this year:
Cal 3 = 4 credits
Diff. Eq. = 3 credits
Linear Algebra = 3 credits
University Physics 1 = 4 credits – in reality will transfer over as 3 credits
University Physics 2 = 4 credits – in reality will transfer over as 3 credits
(these physics classes only transfer over as the lecture if entering AFTER Spring 2018 based on the A&M Electrical Engineering transfer sheet)
All these classes = 16 credits

Total credits = 46 + 16 = 62 credits

So it appears I am right under the Maximum credits allowed.

Oh that looks much better. lol! I would suggest not taking some of those math credits. Try a social behavior class or comm class to offset the workload.

Sorry for the slow reply. I already have all the core curriculum classes finished so wouldn’t taking more be pointless? The math credits I need to take anyways and they are part of the Electrical Engineering curriculum.

Oh gotcha… so Geog counts towards Social? And I think you need either a tech writing or speech class too. I reviewed the curriculum and believe that is correct.

Yeah geog 1302 counts toward both social and behavioral and international cultural diversity requirement (ICD). Geog 1303 is for both language, philosophy, and culture and ICD. Also, I took tech writing. What do you think my chances of getting into Electrical Engineering are if my gpa stays around the 3.8 area?

I honestly cannot answer this. What I can say is your GPA is great and you should be proud. You’ve done all you can do. Finish these last courses strong and write a compelling essay. Find something in your field to either work or club type. You’re brains are there as is your dedication/commitment. Now it’s time to show tamu what you have to offer! I wish you the absolute best. If you have any questions, this site is a great resource.