<p>hey guys I am new in this forum! I have read a lot through this the past months and have always found very helpful information in here. I will be attending USC this coming fall (omg I am sooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!) and wanted to prepare a little. I know there are several websites on which professors get ratings by students. But is there also a website that rates simply the courses?! I don't want my first semester at USC to be too hard since I will have to adjust to the whole college environment so I would like to start out with some easy GE's to boost my GPA and some courses in my major (BUAD). Maybe some of you guys can talk a little about good GE's. I looked at the USC website and at the course schedule for fall 2005. Many GE's say they are closed!! Does that mean you cannot register for them yet or have too many students already registered for them? And last: do most students take 4 courses per semester or is it "doable" to take 5? Sorry for a long post, hope somebody can help me out!! :-)</p>
<p>There aren't any websites to rate courses, but you can always look up the professor, and see if there are people who graded him that took the class you are interested in. You can always just see if he is a Nazi of a teacher, which is a good idea to stay away, or if he has good ratings, saying he's easy, and then that will probably help with the course, too.</p>
<p>As far as GEs being closed, if they say they are closed, then usually it is because they are full. But GEs are big classes- are you sure a lot are full already? Incoming freshmen can't register yet, so there should be a lot of space left. For Arts and Letters courses, however, and maybe some others, they only open a certain number of spaces at a time. Those will fill up, and awhile later, they will open more. You will definitely be able to find classes to take.</p>
<p>Most students take 4 classes a semester, but I know some do 5. The thing is, though, that we can take up to 18 units, and then anything over that we are charged extra. So a lot of the people taking 5 classes are taking 4 4-unit courses, and then one 2-unit class, so that they don't go over. Usually the 2-unit are supposed to be easier, but that's definitely not always the case. If you want an easy courseload, then I would try going for 4 classes, or at least 4 classes and then some 2-unit class that seems fun to you.</p>
<p>when can we register for classes? I thought we register at orientations in the summer.</p>
<p>Yep, you guys will register at your orientations.</p>
<p>Some of the arch classes are 2 and others are 6</p>
<p>I forgot that you asked for some GE recommendations. I think there was a thread like this going around a few weeks ago that you can check for. Here are some of my recommendations:</p>
<p>Cat5: Changing Family Forms, Silverstein
Cat6:Broadway Musicals (I don't know the full name of the class), Zorn
Arts and Letters: Memory, History, and Identity in Postmodern Literature and Film, Halberstam</p>
<p>ยง <a href="http://senatecourseguide.com/%5B/url%5D">http://senatecourseguide.com/</a>
Give it a try :)</p>