Course Registration

<p>After a lot of advice from you guys, I finally registered for classes. I’m just wondering if you guys have any advice, because I am going to go on tomorrow and see if there’s anything I can switch – I’m pretty happy overall, but I’m open to changes. I’m trying to double major in economics and international studies, and minor in French.</p>

<p>I signed up for:
Honors French 201 (placed into 202+, but after speaking to one of the avanti leaders, decided my best bet was to go with 201)
Honors Econ 110
Honors Fine Arts: The Art of Bookmaking
PSC 204 (International Affairs)
Geography 101</p>

<p>I have no classes before 9 AM, only one class on Tuesday (at 12:30 PM), and only two on Thursday (first one is at 12:30). Only downside is that I have four classes on Monday and Wednesday, and three on Friday.</p>

<p>Is it bad that I’m not taking math this semester? I placed into 115, and I need to take 121/125 for my major, so I’m going to have to take two math classes. I’m afraid that once I get to upper level econ classes, calc will be a prerequisite, so I’m worried about putting that off for too long.</p>

<p>Also, does the honors fine arts class fulfill both the fine arts requirement and the honors seminar requirement?</p>

<p>Which GY - 101 class are you in? If it’s a M/W/F section then change it to GY - 102 on T/R with Mary Pitts. It doesn’t matter if you take GY - 102 before taking GY -101.</p>

<p>How late do you have class on Friday? DD had a class that didn’t let out until almost 3 on Fridays Fall semester…she regretted that especially on home game football Saturdays. When i asked why she said because it was kind of the mind set that football Saturdays started on Friday at noon? Just reporting…</p>

<p>Right now it’s showing all of her classes as full, but if a spot opens up in her 11:00 class, I’ll definitely take that. Wouldn’t want to do the 9:30, as Tuesday and Thursdays are going to be my sleep-in days, it seems…</p>

<p>Thanks, ahpi! I did consider that while registering – my last Friday class ends at 12:50, which isn’t ideal, but it could be worse.</p>

<p>Spots will be opened up for her 11:00 class tomorrow. They have been every other BB session anyway. I know because I was trying to get lil bro a seat in there but he’s locked out since he’s a returning student. He’s since landed a seat in an 11:00 English Lit class with a great prof so he’s gonna stay put with his GY- 101 section. </p>

<p>You shouldn’t have any trouble getting a seat in there if you log on when it opens. She gets good reviews on ratemyprof as well. </p>

<p>ahpi, I agree with your daughter and was hoping lil bro wouldn’t have to take anything on Friday after 12. Unfortunately all the AC - 210 labs are on Fridays and he already has a 10 & 11 on that day. So he’s stuck with a Friday accounting lab from 1:00 - 1:50.</p>


<p>Right now, you have 5 classes. I think that is enough for a fall frosh.</p>

<p>You might want to take a Math class and take the Geography class later…especially if you think getting behind in math will affect your econ classes.</p>

<p>Yes, your honors fine arts is a honors seminar class.</p>

<p>Regina-My DD is currently taking PSC204. Do you know who the Prof is? She has it with Dr. Doug Gibler. She has really enjoyed it. She scored the highest grade in the class on the exam. Shhh…she hates when I brag on her :wink: She has spends about an hour/night reading the assigned chapters.
The cool thing that I wanted to pass along is the fact that Dr. Gibler leads the “Faculty-Led Study Abroad in Belgium”. Since you stated that you were interested in minoring in French this might be worth considering. During the Belgium study, the students spend 3 days in Paris and 3 days in London.
Of course, in Belgium they speak French and Flemish. It’s a summer program (3-5 weeks/6 credit hours).
DD has already informed me that she plans to participate in this trip next summer. I told her that she needs to work some extra shifts at the local pizza joint ;)</p>

<p>m2ck…thanks…I’ll look and see if anything opens up for math tomorrow. Everything was completely full when I was at BB.</p>

<p>asaunmom, I’m taking it with Cutrone. I just looked, and it doesn’t seem like Gibler is teaching that course this semester, unfortunately. That trip sounds awesome, though – I’ll definitely look into it!</p>

<p>reginaphalange: See if you can get into a math class, because it will be greatly needed with those upper level economics classes. My son is an econ major. Because econ requires so much math through arts & sciences, he also decided to add a math major. </p>

<p>asaunmom: My son (and best friend/roommate) is going on the study aboard trip to Belgium (lucky kid, thanks to UA, he also has been to Costa Rica and is currently in Greece. I just get to clean out closets for my summer vacation). When he returns, I’ll ask him to post about his experiences. He speaks no French, but language has never stopped him before.</p>


<p>Is your son a quantitative economics major?
my son is looking at major in A&S economics
(non-quantitative ) and it did not look like that
much math, or am I missing something?</p>

<p>Regina, my son is also deferring math till next year. I think freshman year is stressful enough without adding math into the mix, but that’s just me. (DS does not find math as a stressful as I do, LOL. Still, it was his decision to defer taking it.)</p>

<p>I am doing the A&S, non-quantitative, track for econ, so there isn’t much math required, but I do believe calc is required for some of the higher-level econ classes – I seem to have misplaced my course catalog, however, so I’m not quite sure about that. :)</p>

<p>It wouldn’t be my first choice to take math this semester, but I’m willing to do it, as it’s not a subject that’s a huge stress for me – the only thing I absolutely refused to take first semester is history, because that’s by far my worst subject.</p>

<p>Alright, after an hour and a half of playing around, I am giving up – for today at least.</p>

<p>Ended up being able to switch my GY 101 from MWF to TR, dropped PSC for math (breaks my heart a tad, but I shall persevere), and changed the art of book making class to honors mentoring. I know this means I still have to do my fine arts class but…oh well. </p>

<p>So now it’s:
EC 110 / MWF / 9-950 AM
FR 201 / MWF / 10-1050 AM
MA 115 / MWF / 11-1150 AM
GY 101 / TR / 11-1215 AM
GY 101 / T / 1-250 PM
UH 105 / W / 1-215 PM</p>

<p>A lot better than before, when I had four classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and they were spread out from 9 AM - 4 PM. At least now I’m done by 11:50 on Mondays and Fridays.</p>

<p>Switch GY -101 to GY -102 with Mary Pitts. She gets much better reviews than Shankman. Same time same day.</p>

<p>And switch FR - 201 to T/R 12:30 - 1:45</p>

<p>edit: I guess you want honors French so disregard that switch.</p>

<p>BTW, a great English Lit prof just had a seat open up in his class. EN - 206 -013 on T/R 12:30 - 1:45 with Nathan Parker.</p>

<p>Can’t get into that English class (would have dropped GY for it) because I don’t have prereqs - I do with APs, but of course those aren’t up yet…</p>

<p>Did switch to the GY 102, though. Thank you so much - I had been trying to do that, but there was never a spot when I checked. And yeah, I want the honors French, so I’ll stick with that.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>gojack: My son is a quantitative economics major. He needs to take Calculus I, II and III, linear algebra (replaces applied matrix theory), theory of probability and math stat with applications. He also needs a statistical data analysis. Because of his AP credit, he had BC calculus and AP stat coming into Alabama, along with micro and macro econ. All that math makes it pretty easy for a student to minor or major in that subject, too.</p>