<p>good choice of profs (esp drndic, she's AMAZING). I guess you should probably take econ in the fall, coz that's when most ppl will take it...and with big classes like econ, the curve sometimes helps when you take the class on-season. There's no problem with taking the writing class in spring, as long as you get done with it by the end of freshman yr. As to the order during registration, recitations are smaller classes, so request those as your top choices. Huge lectures like econ, calculus, and chem can be last; everyone will get into those. Physics however, is kinda small, and though you will definitely get into one class, Drndic's will be a popular choice, so that might be a little selective.</p>
<p>Oh, it helped tons. Thanks so much! But, looks like I'll have to change my schedule cause now they don't offer Drndic's class. Oh well. Instead of those classes, I'm thinking of taking:</p>
<p>PHYS 140.014 (LEC Kikkawa)
MATH 104.005 (LEC Pimsner)
MATH 104.244 (REC)
CHEM 101.006 (LEC Davies/Pietrovito)
CHEM 101.260 (REC)
CHEM 053.001 (LEC)
CHEM 053.101 (LAB)
BE 100.001 (LEC Margulies)
BE 100.202 (REC Margulies)
ECON 001.005 (LEC)
ECON 001.231 (REC)</p>
<p>just a warning about pimsner, I had him last semester...he is the most boring prof ever...out of the 100 or so people in the class on a regular basis only like 10 people went to lecture. He sucks as a teacher too. Like he is terrible, i don't know why he is still teaching...</p>
<p>good things about him: he lets the class choose how the class will be structured. by this i mean he'll ask how many midterms do you want 1,2,3,4,5 etc. While most classes other classes were just told you'll have 3 midterms and a final, and hw. We asked for 3 midterms but only count the best 2. Also good is that since no one goes the averages on the tests are ridiculously low...like 25/70. </p>
<p>Bad thing is that since you don't learn anything you get screwed on the final since it is a dept final. Plus the way they grade in the dept screws you over. For example they assign the # of As (and other grades) in each section by the # of As (and other grades) achieved by that section on the final. So say you're section only gets 5 As on the final then only 5 people in your section will get As for the year. This also means that probably more C/D will be assigned to your section since he's a bad teacher. Thus if you were in another section and you would have gotten the same grades maybe you would have gotten a B but because you were in a worse section you might get a C.</p>
<p>collegekid, nah, no joke. I'm doing BE and that's the recommended schedule so I'm just following it. Actually, it doesn't seem all that bad especially cause I've taken all those classes as APs already. Except, chem might still be horrible cause I suck at it anyway.</p>
<p>bern700, oh, I wish I could change. But that's the only class that fits in my schedule. Still, I figure, I've taken AP Calc (granted, it was AB cause BC didn't fit in my senior schedule) and I thought it was laughably easy so I'm hoping Calc 1 at Penn'll be more or less like a review.
Jeez, that sucks about how they distribute grades. I guess I'll just have to hope that the people in my section get really smart all of a sudden during finals :\ Oh, but I have a question. So, even if I get A's on his midterms and an A on the final, I still might not get an A for that class?</p>
<p>well teahelps i too took AB during h.s. and trust me 104 is not a review. maybe the first week is review and that's it. Yeah I knew someone in my section with all As on the midterm and a A on the final but he got a B because his average on all the stuff was not high enough to place him in the designated # of As.</p>
<p>teahelps, good job! sad that drndic isn't teaching...but i've heard good things about kikkawa too, he's supposedly really good. About the courseload, yeah it will be tough, but I did something like that too and its definitely manageable. Every engineer has to do it, no choice. It will really help that you guys don't have physics labs...they were a royal pain...;)</p>
<p>i have a general question about course requests.. i dont know if there was an explanation in any packet they mailed us, but i was confused about a few things..</p>
<p>first, if im signing up for a class, and i put one section as my primary, should i put a different section as my alternate, or should i put another class? i figure they might automatically look at other sections if the one you chose is full, so putting a specific one as alternate might be a waste of a choice.</p>
<p>also, when u have a lec an a rec as part of the class, what is the proper procedure? does one go as primary and the other as alternate or do u make 2 separate requests? </p>
<p>if there is a magical place on the website that explains teh process in detail, please link me..</p>
<p>I just disregarded the alternate requests box and put all requests as primaries. So, I put recs, lecs, and labs as primaries. But that's just what I did..I've no idea if it's the right thing to do.</p>
<p>all requests including REC and LEC are primaries...then you can use your alternates for whatever you want including other sections or other classes.</p>
<p>Personally I just use alternates for classes that have 1-2 sections and I know will fill up quickly so I request another class as an alternate just in case i dont get that class.</p>
<p>definitely RANK your requests. Put your writing class as #1 and then the REC/and other hard classes to get into as the next few. Don't worry about the large classes because even if you don't get into the section you want or even if you don't get into the class at all you can always go and ask permission of the dept and they almost always let you in.</p>
<p>for classes that have a rec and a lec, which do i put first?
but just so i understand, it would be something like..
1. primary - PSCI 180 REC
alt - some other class
2. primary - PSCI 180 LEC
alt - some other class
<p>Whoa, Bern! We were in the same math class!! </p>
<p>I second her opinion... Pimsner was AWFUL. I was one of those who NEVER, ever showed up.</p>
<p>The first day of class: Pimsner: "I think we'll have 2 midterms. Unless you want more. Or less. Well actually I don't think you can have less."
Class: "Can we have 3, but drop one?"
Pimsner: "Ok. Homework from the week will be due on Friday."
Class: "Can we make it due the following Friday instead?"
Pimsner: "Ok."</p>
<p>It was actually bordering on ridiculous. My friend who was in that class with me joked about it all semester.</p>
<p>louman: recitations are small, hence harder to get. They should be your first priority. Most recitations willhave 2 section, like 141 and 142 (for example), which meet at the same time. So its a good idea to put 141 as your first request and 142 as the alternate; there's a good chance you'll get into at least one. Register for lectures last, with lectures alternates don't matter, so leave them blank. You will definitely get the lec of your choice.</p>
<p>this was one annoying process! the way i was able to plan it, i have chem and physics back to back and then theres the two physics classes in a day (whats up with that btw)..engineering kids have it rough!</p>
<p>Oh wow, is that all you have back to back? I've got so many, physics & chem, math & be, phys & chem & chem lab, and phys & chem & phys. It kinda sucks but looks like I won't have classes earlier than 10 except for thursdays if I get the classes of my choice.</p>
<p>does anyone else have a 6hr straight day on friday? sigh.. 11-5 on friday if i get my DESIRED schedule. actually, its not desired, its the only things that fit if i choose those classes. sigh.. same with TeaHelps, my classes dont start until 10 or 11 (thurs/fri) except for wednesday</p>