Hi, I am entering high school as a freshman this fall and wanted some advice on what the synopsis of these classes I am taking are like in the field of difficulty and curriculum.
Algebra 1
AP World History I
Introduction to Theater
Spanish 2
Those are standard classes to take. Make sure you have time set aside to do the AP homework.
That looks like a good schedule for freshman year. Does your school offer honors in any of those regular classes The only reason I would suggest possibly upping to an honors is if you were really interested in one of those subjects.
Is taking AP world as a freshman standard at your school? Is OT taught over two years or only one?
Considering you’re not taking any honors class, this choice is odd.
Everything beside apwh is fairly standard. If you have good grades, take the honors version of these classes. If you hesitate, take honors English and honors algebra1 so that you can stay on the honors track and have a solid foundation in two core subjects you’ll need for everything else.
Unfortunately I don’t think so, honors truly start in tenth grade, but I am actually trying to get into Biology Honors currently. @yonceonhismouth
Shhoooot, auto-correct at work here.
Sorry, I didn’t mean ot but apwh
- AP world history is very heavy on memorization and hard to do well in so it doesn’t make sense to me as a freshman class unless it’s done differently at your school than at most high schools.
Yes, it is a two year course, APWH I and APWH II, I taken in freshman year, II in sophomore year. There is also summer training, I am not entirely sure why they offer this, but those who achieve great grades in middle school social studies, are recommended to take this. They tell parents this course is one of the hardest AP’s and requires true dedication. I have great memorization skills, so I decided I should take it. In eleventh and twelfth, they move you on to the next AP. In eleventh, its APUSH, and in twelfth, it is AP US Gov/Politics. Thank you for your feedback @MYOS1634 We have summer training, in which we learn about outlining, study habits and all the information to handle a rigorous AP as a freshman.
If it’s taken over two years, it makes total sense. Logically you’d continue with APush junior year, and probably with two from AP micro/macro/gov/comp if you staying that advanced track, or AP euro + 1-2 of the above if you intend to go into humanities /social science.
Yes it’s very difficult but your school clearly has it manageable for freshmen, with summer training and the two year sequence.
You may want to give a look at the textbook and preview the first two chapters, look at the headings, pictures, charts, maps, primary source documents.
Definitely, thank you! @MYOS1634