I’ve been back and forth with trying to decide if I want to take AP world history next year (10th grade) I’m a straight a student right now with my current schedule
Algebra II Trig
English 9H
Pre Ap world history
Reasearcj biology
Some people said I should, others say it’s really hard. How did this class help you personally? (i heard people benefit from writing and memorization) what is the work like? Is it actually really hard or is it just really long?? Science and math are my favorite subjects, so I don’t want to be using up all my time trying to pass history instead of focusing on math and science (i want a medical carreer). Also, is the summer project hard?
classes next year:
english 10 honors
math analysis honors
research chemistry
(world history academic / AP world history ??)
how was your experiences with the class? is it actually as hard as it seems? one teacher told me even the hard working kids get C’s, so is it worth it to take this class when I’d rather focus in my sciences and math.