Courses for Emerging scholar?

<p>Long time ago, I applied for Emerging scholar and got in for Spring 2015 term.</p>

<p>Now, when I tried to register for UH 155(according to here:<a href=“”></a> I need to take this class), I found out there is no more space!!!</p>

<p>I don’t want to miss this opportunity…what should I do?</p>

<p>I think you are trying to register for the wrong class. Emerging scholars is a UA class not UH. When you go to register, the class is listed under University College . It is UA 155 and as of this writing there is 1 spot left in the Monday 4-450 class or there are 29 spots left in the Tuesday 4-450 class. </p>

<p>oh okay…thsnks</p>