Courses to take sophomore year?

Hello! I am currently a freshman looking for fall classes to take, and I currently have a 100% (can’t believe it) in Gen Chem 2 and an 88% in Biology 1. I know I have to take Organic Chemistry next semester, but I was debating if I should take Anatomy with Orgo 1 or Bio 2 with Orgo 1, or just take all three? Also, I am a biomedical science major at USF honors college and I want to go to a DPT school. Thank you, any help is greatly appreciated!

Also, my advisor told me to take all three, but everyone is telling me that that option is insanity haha. So I don’t know what to do! :-/

You’re going to spend a lot of time memorizing things in anatomy. If your Bio 2 class involves animal/plant diversity then it’ll be a lot of memorization as well (though nothing tops anatomy). Personally I don’t like to take too many memorization heavy classes at once. However if you plan to take one of them the spring semester of next year keep in mind that the second part of organic chemistry involves lots of memorization as well (though it shouldn’t be to the extent of the biology classes).