
<p>I am choosing my courses for junior year and I'm planning to take HL bio psych and English and SL Spanish math and history. Should I take no elective and have a full study hall or take AP chem as my elective and have half a study hall? Thanks :)</p>

<p>Are you going for the diploma or not?</p>

<p>I’m going for the diploma</p>

<p>You are taking ToK, right?</p>

<p>Yeah for the second semester so if I don’t take ap chem first semester I’ll have a full study hall and second semester I’ll have half a study hall but if I take ap chem I’ll have half a study hall and then no study hall</p>

<p>That’s 6 advanced classes, how many current advanced (honors or AP) classes have you taken so far? Because if you’re going from all regular to all advanced, you might want to keep that study hall</p>

<p>Freshman year I took all honors and this year I’m taking all honors and 2 APS ( euro and environmental science) but that’s why I’m unsure about AP chem because I know it’s a big transition from pre-IB into the IB diploma</p>