IB Diploma Plan Help

<p>I am a current sophomore in high school, and we are currently choosing classes for the next two years.</p>

<p>Freshman year credits: honors bio, AP Human Geo, honors english, honors algebra 2, honors spanish</p>

<p>and I am currently taking:
Honors English
Honors Pre Cal
Honors Chemistry
Honors Spanish
AP World History</p>

<p>Here is my tentative diploma plan:</p>

<p>Junior Year:
IB English
IB Spanish SL
Honors Physics
AP Statistics

<p>Senior Year:
TOK (required)
IB English (required HL)
IB Calculus HL

<p>I am a swimmer, which takes up one of my periods both years. TOK is required as one period senior year. English is required to be taken HL for my school.</p>

<p>Junior year, is it recommended to take IB Economics or IB US History? I do not plan to HL and sort of history at all.</p>

<p>Also, is it recommended to take IB Chemistry or IB Biology at HL? I only have room for one, and the other would have to be SL.</p>

<p>Lastly, I am good at Spanish, so I wanted to HL it, but it does not have anything to do with what I want to major in. Should I take it SL or HL?</p>

<p>I want to major in Biomedical Engineering or Genetic Engineering, so please answer based on that.</p>

<p>Please let me know if you need anymore information, and any and all answers are appreciated.</p>

<p>Okay so I don’t have IB Economics at my school, but IB History of the Americas or, US History. This is not going to be the typical History class just because it’s taken from a world view. So basically all that you have learned about US History will have like 3 underlying reasons beyond the social reason given. So it’s really interesting. And you state that you want to be a Biomedical or Genetic Engineer, so I would recommend Biology just for that reason, but it requires lots of memorizing and knowing the information sort of. And HL Spanish, from what my spanish teacher has told us, requires you to be semi-fluent to nearly fluent (or fluent), to be successful. Besides, knowing spanish is useful to know. There is nothing wrong with knowing a 2nd language, it’s not going to hurt you. And you need a Group 6 so if you really want to take IB Chemistry, take that or take whatever Group 6 offerings there are.</p>

<p>Thanks for your response!
So you recommend HLing Bio and SLing Chemistry? One would be my group 3 and the other my group 6.
And where should Physics play in? I was thinking about just taking AP Physics since I hear IB Physics is nearly impossible. Is Physics essential for biomed/genetic engineering? </p>

if i had to choose two between Chem, Phys, and Bio (one HL, one SL), which should i choose?
And if i had to choose one HL on SL and one AP from those 3, how do i split it up?</p>


<p>[Biological</a> engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_engineering]Biological”>Biological engineering - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Look at the summary at the beginning. It says that biology is primary and: physics, chemistry, math, and comp sci, are secondary. So I would recommend HL Biology just for that reason. So maybe HL Bio, and probably SL Physics since physics goes into engineering pretty well,</p>

<p>[How</a> physics related to engineering](<a href=“Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions”>How physics related to engineering? - Answers)</p>

<p><em>sorry for all the wiki, but that’s coming up on Google</em></p>

<p>So if you want to take chemistry, take it because you want to. And I have heard both AP and IB Physics is pretty difficult but IB will be a bit more since you have IA and more projects and the IB stance toward everything. And if you choose HL Bio, then make it your Group 3 and your secondary Group 6. But if you want engineering in general, then switch Physics to Group 3, IMO. You could probably ask some of the people in the Engineering Forum which science they would recommend for Engineering in general and what science for the two you are considering.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.swe.org/SWE/RegionE/OpeningEngineering/suggested_high_school_courses.htm[/url]”>http://www.swe.org/SWE/RegionE/OpeningEngineering/suggested_high_school_courses.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Does your school have an IB coordinator? It seems as though every school is a little different. My daughter’s schedule will look like this:
Junior year:
AP Spanish ( Not taking IB intro)
Math SL- she is doing the one year because she wants to do calc senior year
Physics SL
English HL
Theater HL</p>

Theater HL
English HL
Calc (AP?)
SUNY Albany Spanish
Science elective?
My daughter’s school does not provide all of the same choices as yours.</p>

<p>We have A/B Days and SL’s are 2 years instead of one. My Schedule this year is(Junior):</p>

<p>SL Spanish
Pre-AP Physics
SL Biology
HL English
SL Math
SL Pysch

HL Spanish(if not, SL)
Study Hall(International Study Skills)
HL Biology
HL English
SL Math
HL World Topics
SL Psych

<p><em>Might switch Spanish to SL, and Bio to SL or Psych to HL. It depends</em></p>

<p>First off, I made a typo in the previous post. Sciences are group 4, not 3, correct?</p>

<p>Thank you for the information. I think I will strongly consider HL Bio now.
As we are required to HL English, I have one HL spot left. I have always been above average at Math, but have heard that HL Math is insane.
Which would you recommend taking HL in of

<p>I am going to be taking AP Stats as a Junior, if that makes a difference.</p>

<p>Then, my SLs would be Spanish, Economics, and Math/Chem/Physics. And I would take the one of Chem/Physics that I neither HL or SL as an AP course.</p>

<p>I understood the typo, I should have checked but I didn’t really want to :slight_smile: And really you should ask your IB Math teacher IF you can take HL Math. At our school everyone takes SL Math their Junior year and can choose their senior year to take the following: Math Studies, SL Math, or HL Math. The math teacher will tell you at the end of your junior year whether or not you can or should take it, at least that’s how it is at my school. And Stats won’t really matter since IB Math MAINLY consists of Algebra, Pre-Cal, and Calc. I took Stats as a sophomore(no choice) and can say probably very little will actually apply to IB Math. There is a small section in our(my schools, it might depend) rubric that will cover stats. You say you want to be an engineer and would strongly recommend in this order: HL Math, HL Physics, HL Chem. Honestly chem isn’t the most related to engineering, take that as the AP and get credit. And my math teacher says that HL Math is for people who are going to have a future in math like Actuaries, Engineers, Applied Math, etc and is not necessary if you aren’t planning on using advanced math in the future(why I’m planning on not taking HL Math, otherwise I would).</p>

<p>Will it hurt me in the eyes of colleges if I decide not to take a Math class junior year and just take Calc HL senior year? Because I have heard similar things about Stat being pointless, and i would like to take some more sciences.</p>

<p>For us ALL AP Sciences are double blocked in one year, SL Classes are single blocked on year, and HL classes are single blocked senior year only but you must take the SL equivalent in junior year.</p>

<p>Statistics itself isn’t pointless but I loop it into the same math category of Geometry where it doesn’t relate to Algebra at all and if it does, very little. Umm colleges want you to take math all 4 years of hs. And will you be taking a science all 4 years also?</p>

<p>Yes I will be taking Science all 4 years. My academic conference is tomorrow so this is what i have so far, feedback please?:</p>

<p>Plan 1:
IB English III SL
IB Spanish IV SL
IB US History
IB Biology SL
AP Statistics
IH Physics SL

IB English IV HL
IB Biology HL
IB Calculus HL
IB Economics SL

<p>HL: Calc, Bio, Eng
SL: Econ, Phys, Span</p>

<p>Plan 2:
IB English III SL
IB Spanish IV SL
IB US History
IB Biology SL
AP Statistics
AP Chemistry
AP Chem again

IB English IV HL
IB Biology HL
IB Calculus HL
IB Economics SL
IB Physics SL

<p>HL: Calc, Bio, Eng
SL: Econ, Phys, Span</p>

<p>They’re basically the exact same, except in Plano 2 i squeeze in AP Chem (will be a double block) junior year, and move Physics to senior year.</p>

<p>Erm, are you sure about all that AP? Do you want that extra stress? I mean I can see 1 and maybe 2 AP if their one of the easier ones, but AP Chem and Stats will put extra pressure on you IMO. But you should do whatever you think will manage, and what will Piano 2 do for you? I mean I’m in band and so I understand the musical aspect, but any other reasons or is it a filler class? And my school is semi-similar in the way classes are set up too between Junior and Senior year, so I don’t really see a problem in that.</p>

<p>My son is finishing his IB diploma this year- I noted that your junior year has Bio SL, but your senior year as bio HL. I thought that you need to commit to either SL or HL. At least that’s what my son had to do- he wasn’t allowed to switch from an SL level class to an HL class</p>

<p>@Kaeroze LOL i meant PLAN** 2 not piano. dont play piano haha.</p>

<p>and yeah im not sure about AP Chem, but im sure i can handle Stats.</p>

in our districts, rather than double blocking the HL classes, if we take the HL course it is split over two years.
its called SL during our junior year and then called HL our senior year, but on the transcript it just shows HL.</p>

<p>Same at my school too! I gives you more time although my school has SL and TOK for 2 years also(Benefits and disadvantages of having 9 classes). And for AP Chem, ask how the teacher is, and how hard the class is. I can see taking AP Stats, although I would never take it again ever, after probability all you learn is very similar and it’s a matter of identifying tests. But your Junior year will be shock compared to your classes beforehand and all that’s required will be stressful. The only reason why I am able to be on CC today is because tomorrow I have Group 4 Project which equals no HW. I can only say is that I take it a week at a time with everything that goes on. If you think you can and have asked around, and ask yourself will it be worth it, then consider AP Chem. IDK how hard it is, i only too AP as a sophomore and had no room for any other classes this year. Besides I don’t really want to. You get to choose though.</p>

<p>Kaeroze- my daughter is currently a sophomore taking honors and advanced honors classes. She does well and studies a lot- more than is necessary. She typically studies during the week for 7 hours per night. On the weekends she works for about 8-10 hours each day. This is extreme and really unnecessary, but this is who she is. Will IB require more work than what she already does?</p>

<p>Okay so i pretty much decided on this…but theres absolutely NO Chem.
i wanted to at least include maybe SL Chem…</p>

IB English III SL
IB Spanish IV SL
IB US History
IB Biology SL
AP Statistics
IH Physics SL

IB English IV HL
IB Biology HL
IB Calculus HL
IB Economics SL
AP Physics C

<p>HL: Calc, Bio, Eng
SL: Econ, Phys, Span</p>

<p>@twogirls OMG! I have had maybe a few nights where I had 7 hours of hw and that was because I maybe had a project or 2 and lots of either tests and/or math hw (the 7 problems that consists of letters a-j type deals). Your daughter is extremely excessive. On average I have about 2-3 hours of hw and some days between 3-4 so kind of like 5-9ish. But I usually have back ground noise so that probably adds an extra 30 min to my work. It’s not really how hard the work is, but how much and the school itself. Certain classes require lots of hw like English, Math, and History especially. All those essays and projects too, IB loves group work. And what is your daughter doing on the weekends that requires so much work? IB is more about learning the concept or idea and making it applicable. I actually study less because I know the concept or recognize the pattern that is being formed, and listening in class and taking excellent notes will cut down on studying time. IB is about being efficient and time management yet studious to an extent. Now I do know of some students, that before tests will spend excessive hours over the material trying to learn it, and it won’t work (Ex. Spanish, Math, Writing) it’s more with learning how to do it effectively and working with it. But your daughter shouldn’t be working so hard(sorry for the tangent about studying, I’m tired and don’t make sense), she will burn out pretty soon or at least I would have after a week of it. </p>

<p>@swapnav97 I like your schedule and if you can find a place for SL Chem go for it if you want to! You have less freedom in your schedule then I do, but that’s just because of the school, and it works out. Why are you taking SL Physics then AP Physics?</p>

<p>Hi- my daughter does not have to study this hard. She would still do well if she cut it in half or even more. She is just driven, with a little anxiety! It’s funny that you say there is a lot of group work because at our school the students tell me that there is very little group work. My daughter is such a perfectionist and control freak that group work would be awful. She catches on quickly to concepts and is an amazing writer, so I hope IB works out. She prefers it over AP but decided to also take AP Spanish. The kids at our school tell us that IB tests are more writing unlike AP which is more memorizing and regurgitating. Is that right?</p>

<p>@twogirls ask your daughter to run an experiment of one week studying normally and another week of being an efficient studier to cut back on time(even an hour or 2 will be a relief from 7). Then compare the grades and see if the margin has decreased between the two. Ask her if she felt less confident on her subjects she had studied less and did she know how to do the work. And IB is big in group work, just today I did the Group 4 project. It’s funny because almost no one likes group projects from past experiences(having to do all the work or everyone wants to be the leader). It’s supposed to help in your future with jobs and stuff. IB is also big about projects itself, IA’s, IOP/IOC, ect. Yes IB emphasizes essay writing, the History Papers(Exams) includes a 5 hr period for 6 essays, so an approximation of 45 mins to write close to a 2 pg essay each maybe including the: Who, what, when, where, why, and how for each statement. fun… So lots and lots of writing and notes in IB! And please ask her to stop stressing over studying, in Psych right now we are talking about Health Psych and stress saying that stressing consistently over a thing can have major long term effects.</p>