COVID restrictions at Brown University

BC students must be vaccinated, but no masks required unless a certain professor requires for their class. Covid cases low (so far!). Random testing. D2025 has been selected randomly 3 times already. Kids are having a very normal year, thank God. All classes in person. Very pleased other than the very hot freshman dorms (haha until winter hits) and the less than marvelous food - like I said, normal college life!


Bananarwpublicclass, my heart goes out to you. My daughter is a freshman (class of 2025) at an east coast private university and the excessive heat in the small smelly dorms was definitely tough for the first few weeks. The food is not great. However, the restrictions at Brown do sound harsh. D’s school mandated vaccines, so masks not required on campus unless the professor in a certain class requests it. Most do not. Covid cases have remained very low. The more liberal the institution, the more strict the mandates will be, so remember this, high school seniors, when choosing your colleges. Fortunately, the Merck antiviral pill will very likely help us get out of this pandemic hell over the next several months. Hang in there, Bananarwpublicclass, and know that you are not alone. Stay at Brown - you worked hard to get there and the grass usually is not greener on the other side. You will come out of this stronger for what you endured. College life is usually romanticized and the reality is that you will get out of it what you put into it. Get out there and meet people and join every club you can, go to sporting events, hang out on campus away from your dorm room. I wish you and all the college students during this pandemic happiness and health. It WILL get better!

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There is an entire thread devoted to colleges and their Covid responses.

This thread should not include other colleges unless the post ties back to Brown.


I should have made the point more explicitly relating to Brown, but when I see the growing number of colleges imposing TEMPORARY hard restrictions (avoiding the “d” word here!) I just wanted to again make the point that the first few weeks may have more severe limitations, and ditto with an outbreak. The OP is gone and hopefully happier so no more posts here for me.


The restrictions were for about 10 days. My son was still able to go to class, in his dorm his roommate and he could take off their mask with windows opened and three fans and an air purifier (purifier and one fan provided by Brown), he was able to go to the gym and lift, and today they’re on the green lawn hanging out and tasting free food from the food truck festival the school provided.

That’s what happening today so hopefully OP was able to take advantage of some of the festivities.

Hopefully, this will give parents of 2022 hs kids a snapshot of what life could be like at Brown to help them decide yes or no on applying g to Brown.


We were at Brown this weekend for a tour. All the outdoor spaces were filled with happy looking students. There were very few people wearing masks outdoors and everyone looked pretty relaxed. The local restaurants and stores were all mask optional (except for the bookstore). It felt pretty normal. Most importantly, my daughter loved the school. Hope the school loves her back :slightly_smiling_face:.


@4suits I’m so glad your daughter had a great experience on her college tour at Brown. If you went on Sunday, you probably saw a really vibrant campus with food trucks galore. My son said that people are just hanging out outside in general and they’re getting together. I’m certain there has been a dorm party get together he’s attended in the last week :). Good luck to your daughter!

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Good news is OP appears to have taken your “tough love” advice and not returned since their original post date. Hopefully and likely now fully engaged and off enjoying Brown.

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